break down on I-10 West! FL

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Jul 21, 2013
Title says it all... I am sitting under a bridge. It is pouring rain. I'm soaked I'm cold and my poor little blast dicided it didn't like the iridium plug and now my battery is fried... I started to act funny about 50 miles out of jacksonville. I made it to a gas station let it cool down filled her up checked oil etc etc... well I get about 80 more miles and it dies doing 75mph. So I was able to coast off an exit and came to a stop about 100ft from a gas station. Lucky me! There was a fellow service member bored of driving and offered me some tools. So checked my grounds fuel lines etc etc and took the gas tank off. Pulled the plug and oh my was I dissapointed. Looked horrible... anyway cleaned it as best I could and it still wouldn't crank. State trooper jumped me off and off I went. Made it another 40 miles when it starts raining so hard I felt my butt crack taking on water lmfao so I stopped under an underpass and she just died again... so here I am. Waitinfg on my dad to get here to drag the bike to pcb where I can start my repairs... also when I pulled my tank off. I noticed my tank buffers are no **** in pieces lol! Looks like my 3day weekend of fun in the sun just went to crap lol. Welp. Just wanted to share my story as a wait in the cold lmfao.
I rode my ninja 650r from Tampa to Dothan, AL. That's where I live now. It was a long and ****** ride. I rode thru a huge storm. No break downs tho. When I had my blast up in Indianapolis I took it for an hour road trip full throttle. No problems. Couldn't break 75 mph. It was a good bike. I sold it for my 1125r. But when we moved to Tampa last year, the traffic was too horrible to ride it. Sold it near the end of my stay in Tampa and got the ninja a few weeks before I left there. I'm concentrating on getting a xb12r now. Do you live in pcb? I've been to the Harley dealer there multiple times. 2 of my friends work there. It's really nice.
That sucks man. Hopefully you get it all straightened out.

I had a similar story with my 03 9r. On a 600mi trip, Stopped to eat at chipotle and the bike wouldn't start when I went to leave. Try a few things, no success. And of course it begins pouring rain by this point so I push it under a small shelter intended for shopping carts in a local lot. A more thorough investigation reveals a blown fuse. So long story short, I walk three miles to autozone and get some fuses and anything else I would need. Walk back and slowly tear my bike down trying to find what's wrong. Two hours and many many many choice words later I find out it was a short in my turn signal.. Lol. Fun stuff. [down]
Well here's something funny. I was under that bring for almost 2 hrs. And no lie the second my dad pulled up 3 state trooperzs came out of nowhere. I was seriously pissed lol! Got the bike torn down again in the garage and the clothes in the dryer. Waiting for sun and I will start replacing things. The idiot before me ever had the wrong air filter in it!....
Whatcha think? Tail shop since its already stripped?!

And noo I live in jacksonville. My home town is pcb.
I was just down in pcb this morning and afternoon. That was a nasty storm. There were quite a few severe thunderstorm warnings. I'm just outside of Dothan, AL right now too, haha.
There is a black firebolt I see on 431 alot. Is that one yours Renegade?
Did you get the bike going RJ?
The spark plug does not fry your battery, it would fry your coil.

A bad voltage regulator will fry your battery.
yes, i replaced the plug and battery. i decided i did not want to take a chance since it is my only transportation.

uhh well you see... with the plug not firing and my desperate self trying to get her to start killed the battery lmfao...

i went ahead and did the tail chop. what a pain in the ass but im happy with the results. i just have to get some time and finish it up and make is all pretty again :p new bars,mirrors and grips should be in hopefully wednesday!! :D