Breather re-route....snot

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warren peace

Active member
Dec 21, 2008
I completed my re-route during the winter season....Iv gone through 3 tanks of fuell since awaking my dragon from the winter slumber...when i open the "TAP" goop,no seems to be is spring,cool weather....i was expecting something with a bit more of an oily texture to it.....any comments would re assure me this is OK....hmmmmm
Mine only gets snot in it when I ride real hard otherwise its just water and maybe a little drop of oil.
Yeah, mine is always mostly water with a little light green snot from time to time. Yours sounds normal to me. ;)[up]
I did mine two weeks ago and i only get water. only once did i get this white snotty substance.
i get water and oil...but it all accumulates in the breather and does not continue down the line to the tap...anyone know y?
You need to get the breather up well above the tap and the T going to the breather needs to be pointing up.

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