Breather reroute question.

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
Was installing my new catch can and noticed while the bike is running, air is being pushed out of the breather reroute filter, is this normal?
Yes. Normal. Would take me a while to give he long scientific version but yes it is normal
Ok cool, so what's the point if putting a filter on one end of the breather if its just pushing air out?

Side note, I am looking at doing a DIY for hearing protection head phones, I think I have the modders itch.... Been busy on my bike :)
Ok cool, so what's the point if putting a filter on one end of the breather if its just pushing air out?

Pressure release which will allow flow of excess fluids you'll find in the catch can.
^exactly. It doesn't vent just pure air, there's oil vapor and "gunk" in it as well.