*** loki.... what did you do?
i put a 'star pattern crack at the bottom end of it after a bad snowboard land. they reckoned that if i gave it a knock that it would have just shattered and fall apart. looks like you had similiar... a whole heap of crazes and cracks. damn man that stick up looks harsh too. hope you recover soon mate.
agreed with the frustration. pissed me off more that i had to go to two hospitals to get them to operate. the first one sent me home. stated that the clavial is actually a non essencial bone and to just let it heal naturally. i exploded stating htat i was very active and wanted full movement back, and not like so many others who had limitations by bad form healing. asked why the likes of colin edwards etc can have a plate and be back in days. the response i got was... 'well youre not famous, rich or a sports star. tkae these, go home and rest.'
that was xmas eve. the next day i spent all day smashed on vodka and panadene forte, playing wii with the nephews and boxing day i was at another hospital. got it sorted and was back to full use in three weeks. took longer to get all strength back, but all good now. just some nights you cant lay on that side too long.