broken muffler strap

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2010
I broke my front muffler strap the other day when I was reinstalling my freshly painted pipe. It didnt feel like it was getting anywhere close to proper torque yet, and it just snapped in half. after that, I tried a worm gear strap from the hardware store, that lasted half of one ride then snapped and beat the hell out of the muffler before I could stop to pull it off. I probably over torqued that one and didnt take in consideration expansion and all from the heat. next I tried a cut to length worm gear strap, being super careful not to over tighten it, same result, lasted one ride. I've checked for burrs, or anything else that would cause failure, everything looks normal.

So I'm asking, have any of you guys found anything other than the stock strap (dont wanna deal with the stealership) that will be a little more rugged?
Seems to be hit and miss with the stock strap. I mean that for some people it is a one time use and others get more life outta her. But I have not heard of anything at all that will replace a factory strap. You can get em off ASB and other sights if you wanna avoid the stealership