buell wont start

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2011
hey guys i gotta 2009 xb12r firebolt all stock. i had a problem with my vol reg and i replaced it and went on 500 mile ride and the next day i went to start up to go to work and it wont start. later i checked the spark plugs to see if there fireing. i grounded them and i dont see the spark. but i put my finger on it(******* haha) nd i feel power but not to bad. thinking a coil? any ides will help
Could it have fried the battery?
does it cycle when you turn the key? Could be the starter switch...might just need to clean the contacts.
It depends on how the grounding was done, a painted frame or Engine area is hard to get a ground on properly. Get you a spark plug and wire tester. A cheap one is easy to just plug into the wire to test what is needed. There are several to choose from. Harbor freight has an Straight Wire that's Clear and easy one to pop in and just turn it over you will see it firing OR not firing. Make sure you have fully charged the battery, or have it Load Tested at the auto parts store. Once you have the bike running check the Charging system at the battery. Then Check the Stator Seperately with the Regulator unplugged. Also make sure to Reset TPS with the newer Key Turn Method on ANY 08+ Buell for better running bike. Good Luck.*Jimi
i did a light test on the plug in for the coil and its getting power and it flashes on the two side wires which i looked on here and thats good. now like i said before i feel a small amount of electricty but not alot and i dont see a spark or hear it when i ground the plug
Did the battery check out good? What were the readings off the battery? If you had it tested?
I second testing the battery, it might not be the real issue but getting those simple things out of the way can really save you time and narrow down the real issue.
Did they say if it checked out good? What did the CCA cold cranking amps read? They should have given you a read out of the test. What is the the battery rated at when in good condition as far as volts and CCA?
Usually a 2009 Buell the coil won't go bad that Quickly. Once you have tested the Spark plug wires Depending on way it's done. I would believe that the Battery Ground on the Bike may be the Fault or the Stator Plug and Voltage Regulator plug needs checked. Check the output of the Stator with the Regulator unplugged.
The Stator will go out next after the Regulator is Replaced one follows the other around 500 to 2000/miles after the installation of the new Regulator etc..
Theres a easy way to test that area posted here on the Forum, Check stevenc150 links for checking the Charging system. I put many ways for testing and he was helpful in putting in order so you all can look it up and read what is needed for testing and so on. Even if a Battery is Fully Charged it will depend on the Drain of Turning over the Engine, how many CC Amps it will take to start it,THE XB Buells are 200 CCAmps-.The Lack of Volts to a Spark Plug can fool you if not careful.Check all Fuses/ Relays and I figure the ground on the plug, if you are touching the threads to a suitable area may not be sufficent if it doesn't knock the crap out of you. There is a proper tester for that in the Automotive Parts Misc Isle check out that Area for the Tool needed so your work goes more smoothly! There's several Tools to choose from . The Plugs need to be put in the Engine for the best Suitable Ground this way you can Test the Coil by putting a Spark Wire Tester inbetween the Plug wire and the Spark Plug (Installed) so you can see or measure the Voltage for this area. There is a cheap & easy to use Tool that lights up[while firing or running) and just goes inbetween the plug wire and plugs right on to the spark plug itself.
BTW what Spark Plugs you are using makes a Big Difference. NGKs DCPR9EIX are the better plugs for a Buell.Only Check the Gap on this Type of Spark Plug so as not to Damage the Electrodes Tip. Only a wire Gapper is used in this type of plug just for checking the Gap.Small Things First. Good Luck.*Jimi
the stator was charging the before it died at te amount it was supossed to charging.ok all i no is the plug for the coil i tested it and it ok getting the power same as the battery. and the two side wires on the plug in flash on my test light really bright
Has this battery ever been discharged in the past. Batteries tend to not like being discharged multiple times and the volts will show fine, but there my be different issues with it. What exactly does the bike do when you attempt to start it.? I.e. noises, slow cranking, lights dim, clicking noises? It could be a number of things, but this will help others diagnose it with you. [cool]
it turn over sometime but the battery died pretty quick. if i bought a ecm spy would it tell me whats wrong with it?
Sounds Ike you have a dead battery to me. Did the parts store give you a small sheet of paper with the battery test results. I would have them check it one more time. How cold is it where you live? The cold will kill a battery sometimes. It just sees to be the battery with what you are describing. How old is the battery?
but wouldnt if i jumped it off it should crank right? i replaced it before i replaced my voltage reg because i thought it was the battery 6-8 months? i got it from auto zone. will somebody please tell me if i bought a ecm spy would it tell me what wrong with it like if its the coil or whatever
Yes it may, but how much are they? And yes to the jump start as long as everything is working properly. When did this problem surface?[confused]

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