This would be a project purely for ***** and giggles. Don't get me wrong the sound Of a Buell is truly a magical thing but this would just be for fun. And there is no way possible I could rig up a set of cones to drown out the sound of true American ingenuity. And honestly you couldnt tell me on a 9hr ride you wouldn't mind listening to some music on the road? I ride A LOT and there are three loves in my life, my lady, my Buell, and my music. So if I could find a way to ingenuitavely combine all three then I'll do it. Granted a system in a Buell isn't exactly the most traditional thing but a Buell isn't a traditional motorcycle.
And like I said, I was considering experimenting with the concept. None of this has happened, as of now it is purely an idea in my head that would require numerous calcultions to proceed with. I personally think it is an intriguingly different idea. But each person is entitled to their own opinions.