Any ideas out here for mutating my Firebolt? I'm looking to put Ulysses handlebars and seating (airbox all the way back) to make it an XB12R-X? Possible, crazy, stupid?
definately possible. I've seen a lightning with firebolt fairing and uly tailsection and seat. Or was it a firebolt with lightning triple clamp and handlebars and a uly seat. Either way you get the idea.
i think the idea is great.. but were would you find a uly seat and rear section? The rear set mounting looks like it may be a little different also but I would like to think they keep as much the same as possible. Please keep updating this post if your able to try this, I will post any info I find on the mods.
Some modifications would be needed since the ulysses frame is different than the firebolt, so that would be the biggest hurdle but other than that everything else would be simple. Oh you would also need to relocate the ignition switch since a uly is mounted on the side not the top like the firebolt. But you could just build a custom mount ( you would lose the tree lock ).
I am sure you would need a couple other small things but not much maybe extend a wire or two.