bye bye buell

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Feb 13, 2010
so.. i got my buell about a month in a half ago.. Saturday me and a buddy were driving over to Milwaukee to pick up his first buell as well. so we drove for over 10 hours on saturday got home and me and him unloaded it and took off...

woke up today in the hospital with a moderate to severe concussion, broken nose, dislocated jaw, and a bunch of road rash.

my buell is completely destroyed.. i have no recollection of the crash what so ever but from what my buddy told me it started to tank slap i got it mostly under control and then i went into a ditch... my bike ended up 10 feet in a tree... well most of it did...

almost didnt grab my helmet or my jacket because we were just running up the street to get something for dinner... doctor said if it wasn't for ether of those.. i would have had no skin on my back left and i wouldn't be alive to type this because of the severity of the concussion with the helmet on..

all in all glad to still be walkin on the earth.. might be parting the bike out when i get a little better im still not sure yet... i will post again if anyone is interested in parts off it.. its a 2003 buell xb9r..

**** man, Thank god for your gear. Will hope for a quick recovery. Sorry to hear about it.
great to hear you made it out alive. crazy story. what caused the tank slap??
Andy, heal up quick brother, sorry to hear aboot your baby and am glad you made the decsion to grab your gear [up]
speedy recovery for sure man...
i dont recall any of it.. the last thing i remember is putting my helmet on then waking up in the hospital... my buddy i was riding with was there luckily to call the ambulance. he said that i started tank slapping it.. and got it mostly under control before the bike went into the ditch.. i kno the road it happened on is VERRRRY bumpy so im assuming that the back end started hopping and then the front end started swaying? i cant be cretin tho.. i was admitted last night at like 5-6pm.. and i was discharged at like 11 today.. i dont remember anything before about 9 this morning.. just blips of stuff that happened. i remember family came to see me and showed me my helmet.. but other then that no convos or anything i will try to get some pictures up of the bike and gear... im impressed im still hear looking at the bike to be honest... let that be a lesson tho.. WEAR HELMETS!!

that sucks i dont know if its a good or bad thing that you dont rememeber the crash but glad your still around to tell your tale
Tank slap is a scary thing. Ya never know when it will happen and the faster you go, the better chance of it happening, and the better chance you will get effed up seriously. That's my biggest fear on a motorcycle. Doesn't matter how good ya are or what ya ride either. Only way to lessen your chances are to have a steering damper.

Glad you're still alive man. Get well quick and enjoy the rest of you're life.
like i said i dont remember anything but getting on my bike then i woke up in the hospital.. my buddy i was riding with said it just started hopping and tank slapping and then i was in the ditch.. i kno the road that it happened on and the road is VERY bumpy.. so i dont kno if i was riding on the road and because its bumpy the bike started hopping and tank slapping? im not 100% thats all the buddy can remember.. then he dosent remember anything till he was at the hospital with me haha.. he didnt even crash and he almost blacked out

So many things can contribute to it. Tire wear, steering head bearings, wheel bearings, misaligned frame, wheel out or round, out of true, road surface and conditions, wind, suspension setup, trail and rake of forks, front and rear load on the wheels, weight distribution, bad luck. Some bikes are more prone than others.
Andy, you are most likely correct about the bumpy road theory. What happens is your front tire will lift slightly off the ground even just 1 mm and then regain traction outside of the rear wheels alignment. The force of the front wheel trying to correct itsself back inline with the rear wheel results in overshooting the alignment, and then back and forth it goes.

that really sucks , glad to hear you had your gear on to save your skin and life , never know when **** happens.. hope your insurance pays you for a other buell.. or something..

they say 90%plus of wrecks happen only 20 minutes from where you live. never is just a quick ride ,because it could always be your last if you dont wear your gear. (or buckle up!)
I've had bad tank slap entering a tunnel, but I let of of the throttle and corrected the slap. It could have been really bad. Sorry to hear about your accident, but it's good that you're still alive and kicking. Let's see some pics when you get a chance.
mate... at least you are here to talk about it. most important... next is tryng to replace your buell.

heal well mate. be back riding soon.

bummer to hear.

tank slaps are a bitch. i watched as my missus used to get them quite often on her cagiva (bike before the buell) raptor 650. soem real nasty ones too. we have been on rides where almost every bloke came over and patted her on teh back and just show astonishment that she made it. happened cause you couldnt set the bike correctly for her weight and on bumpy roads teh bike just would skip a lot. she would be getting along a bit mind you.
my and my mates advice was to relax when ever it happened... dont grab the bar tightly or fight it. just relax and let the bike find form, and it would. jac became a master of tank slaps, but rough roads always made her nervous. hence we sold the cagiva and got her a buell that we could set up correctly . has never had a slap since.






thats all the pictures i have of the bike after the crash and the helmet.. not a good lookin bike anymore

i do have ins but i only have liability for the moment... for the last 2 months the bike has been in a shop getting worked on.. dyno tuned... it has no fairings because there getting painted.. i was going to bump it up to full when the season came but idk if i will ride again.. im not scared to ride but as of now i think i need to lick my wounds on this and figure out if i want to dump some more cash into it..


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