Cam gear trouble

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Jun 17, 2013
So I am in the middle of replacing my gearcase/cam cover gasket and I ran into some trouble. When taking off the cover, despite my best efforts to keep them in, a couple cam gear came out. They didn't move much but they turned some and now I have no idea if they're in the right place. I looked in the manual under timing, but it doesn't say anything about the gear positions. Any advice from veterans? Thanks for reading.
Uh 0h.....

Not sure about the tubers, but the xbs have dots on the gears, its as simple as connecting the dots.

But the bigger issue is youll possibly need to loosen your rocker assembly to allow the lifters to move up allowing the cams to go back into place. At least thats how it works in the XBs.
Thanks for the replies. @anrkism95: I've been a little busy and I haven't had much time to go over the other sections of the manual. I'm gonna have to browse the sections to see if anything addresses it. I did have the rockers off at the time I was taking the cover off. I was able to lift them enough to slide the cams back into place but two of them had come completely off and turned, so I'm positive they're not in the original position. @theycallmecrash: I did see the dots on the gears and I also saw some marks that it looks like a technician put on the gears when they were last aligned. I'm hoping that I can just open up my timing inspection hole, put it at top-dead-center and then line the gears up. But I need to try and find the info as to how they line up.
Ok, so new developments. I was able to find info on lining up the cam gears. Got that taken care of and put the bike back together. Last night after assembly, I fired her up and she ran like a champ. Shut it off after about 10 to 15 seconds satisfied with my accomplishment. Got up this morning to take a celebratory ride and... wouldn't start. Uuuuuugggghhhhhhhh

So, when I turn on the ignition I hear the sound it makes (what is that by the way? hydraulic lifters?). And she will crank over a couple times and I hear the starter clicking, so I really doubt it's an electrical issue. My theory is the fuel is not priming. Does anyone know about the fuel system and how to prime it? I had to remove the tank for the repair. I'm gonna crank it a few more times and pull a spark plug to see if it's wet.
Hydraulic lifters don't make noise. lol

That sound you hear is the fuel pump priming the fuel system.

If your starter is only clicking, you need to charge your battery.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I don't know anything about the lifters, so don't judge me...:( I will have to charge the battery up and see if that helps at all.