Cee Baileys Windshield - Painted. Help.

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Jul 1, 2007
My bike is Valencia Orange 06 XB12S. I was thinking of buying one of these Windshields. Does anyone have any experience with them? Does it really make much difference on the xpressway? I am about to take some long trips and would like a little more wind protection.

I really like the ones sold on another website that match the Valencia Orange, but from what I hear, they don't make any difference at all.

How about painting? My guess is it would be best to start with clear and then try to match the Orange. But, I have no idea how hard that would be. My other option would be to go to a dark screen and not worry about it. I kinda like having the Orange, but could live with the black for sure.

Any thoughts?

Zero Gravity makes them for the Lightning, too. I am looking at them right now in my Drag Specialties catalog.
I've got the Zero Gravity 3"+ windshield (they call it the touring one on the above link) on my 06 XBR12R. The color is spot on (Black and Amber bike) but I had to fudge the installation cos the holes didn't line up perfectly. No big deal, I just flipped two screws upside down and it went on fine.
Looks much better than anything else I've seen! Does it really make much difference in the wind protection? I wish they had Valencia Orange, guess I'll have to go with Dark Smoke - how hard to paint?
It takes some of the cold blast off my chest in the winter (New Jersey and I ride all year) but I may switch back to the stock one once spring kicks in.
I was thinking the same thing for here. I would just use this when I am going on extended rides. I have 2 trips coming up in April and May each will be over 1000 miles. I thought this might help with wind fatigue.
BuellPastor said:
I wish they had Valencia Orange, guess I'll have to go with Dark Smoke - how hard to paint?
they should have orange too...already saw some orange screens.
No Orange on the website that I can find.

LeFox - How much of a difference did it make for you? Do you much expressway driving?

American Sportbike has one that is colored close to VO and looks like it is the same dimensions as the Zero Gravity Screen, but someone told me that it didn't work that well. Of course he doesn't have one on his bike. I really want to hear what someone who has one has to say about it on the xpressway.

there are some one here the do have it...

i don't, but i know people who do and are satisfied with the result. ;)
Zero Gravity makes them for the Lightning, too. I am looking at them right now in my Drag Specialties catalog.

Didn't realize that, I was just going by the link that LeFox supplied. Good to know though, I'm going to look for it now.
Yes, the ones at Zero Gravity and American Sportbike look the same, except the ones at AS come in Valencia Orange.
I'm really thinking about buying the Zero Gravity Sport Touring screen. I'd be tempted to either paint it yellow to match, or try to put some kind of opaque-ish looking yellow tint on it (?). Has anyone else painted a ZG or heard of a yellow tinting film?
bleblanc03 said:
I'd be tempted to either paint it yellow to match, or try to put some kind of opaque-ish looking yellow tint on it (?). Has anyone else painted a ZG or heard of a yellow tinting film?
just order them in yellow :p