How to check static timing:
This is done by slowly rotating the engine, whilst watching the Cam Position Sensor on the Diagnostics page.
1. Raise the back wheel off the floor
2. Remove timing inspection plug
3. Put bike into 5th gear to ease fine turning of the engine
4. Raise side stand
5. Select Diagnostics page in ECMSpy or similar and connect to the ECM.
6. Turn back wheel forward slowly, until the timing mark appears at the left of the inspection hole
7. The CPS value should be 0 or 5, depending on which cylinder is due to fire next. If it is on 0, go to next step, if on 5, rotate engine one more full revolution, then follow the next step.
8. Rotate the wheel very slowly until the CPS value in ECMSpy or similar increases to 5 and the fuel pump starts running. This is the exact point of firing.
Now check the timing mark inside the inspection hole. If it is exactly central all is good, if to the left, then the timing is advanced, if to the right of the hole, it is retarded. If the timing is not correct, follow the instructions in your service manual to correct.