Cherry Bomb and Kick Ash

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
So I have a brand spanking new Cherry Bomb and Kick Ash air box covers and need to make some choices. Obviously my yellow plastics air getting airbrushed and will be the show set. So I am looking at picking up a black front fairing. Which one will look better with it the cherry bomb or kick ash. Below is the bike as it sits now. Keep in mind I am polishing the rear pulley lip, getting a new header and will be polishing it as well and also getting a Baldwin Seat.

Either one will look great! That's the good thing about black it goes with anything. Kickash won't show up as good as the cherrybomb IMO.
Very true. I will have to test them out once I get my black fairing. Im just not sure how it will look with the only thing red being the airbox cover. Probably gonna sell which ever one I don't decide to go with.


Close to our bike. I really like the cherry, it works well with a black front.

If you ever think of sellin the kick ash let me know that's the only translucent I havnt owned.
Riderdie- Your right that does look good. I will let you know for sure if I decide to sell.


Hero blue

Rockin the black now

Send me a pic of the kick ask with the black if you go thru with it.
Rider- you have a nice collection there. I am really half tempted just to keep them all. It would be sweet to just swap up whenever an keep everyone guessing.

When you did your windscreen trim down it looks like you cut the fairing also. When you did where you able to just sand it down and shine it up? Is there anyway you can post a pic of where the cut is, so I can see how it turned out? Thanks
Ok I'm gonna sell the cherry bomb air box cover. Brand new in factory box, still has the paper over the Buell lettering. You will not be disapointed. I am asking $190.00 plus shipping.
Xtreme what color are the Buell letters on your kick ash? Better yet could you post a pic of it on your bike please
Riderdie- Sorry Bro I decided to keep them both. I kinda like the idea of being able to swap up the look of the bike whenever I like. Gotta keep people guessing.
Yea man I know. Was just hoping to see it on your setup and what color Buell letters they come with. Going to pick one up at my local HD. They give Buell owners %15 off!
What are they charging you? I am in Guam right now for work. My bike is torn apart right now. Getting ready to put a new header on, swaping rear pulley, breather reroute, open airbox mod with my on twist and waiting for my black fairing to get here. I wont have it all together until mid March. I am pretty sure it has black lettering with the rubber x on top.

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