Probly not, but I took mine off, it is in the way for oil changes and stuff, I also repainted my muffler and took a grinder to the brackets, so they are gone now, I think it looks a little better without the fairing
I'm about to put my fairing on. Purchased the bike without it, and with the aftermarket exhaust with no hardware for the fairing combined with the chain conversion it's caused some small challenges in the install. But I guess it's the saying, 'grass is always greener' because I love the look with the fairing on. To me, it gives the bike a more forward aggressive lower to the ground look.
Hey Straw, the chin fairing is about looks And keeping the junk and water off the front of the engine especially the Header clamp and oil filter area.The tire slings enough debree so the small fairing just does help. But as a necessary fixture may not hurt it at all. I leave mine on for the looks and to keep something from slinging into the front area maybe causing damage to my headers. Should be OK i would think.My opinion.~Jimi