Close Calls!?!

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Jul 2, 2007
I just wanted to know if anyone has had any close calls while riding their bike that they wanted to share. maybe some insight on what you did to avoid it or how it changed the way you ride if any...

I know I had one while I was out riding with a buddy of mine in the city of philadelphia. we were on a very busy highway traveling at about 55 mph when noticed the highway splitting. my friend was leading and didnt know which way to go. he got into right lane and I followed but quickly changed back over to the left lane at the last minute. I thought I could make it back over to the left but soon realized a huge tractor trailor closing in on us. the road finally split and I had no choice but to ride my bike up the flat concrete median that spits the 2 roads apart. I came to a stop about 10 feet ahead on the median and watched as the cars blew past me on both sides... embarrassing and scary at the same time I must admit lol I know I never tried to follow anyone making last minute decisions like that again, traffic or no traffic...
You rode up the cement median? At 55+mph? Did you stain your pants? Cuzz I would have. Iv had alot of close calls, I try to forget. Just at the end of fall I had a car take my lane, I swerved had right onto a one way, back end started going sideways and then I was power sliding at about 45mph down a 1 way residental road. Im telling you, these Buells know how to stand up and straighten out. Iv never had an easier time correcting on any other bike.
lol nooo I used my amazing brakes that the buell has to slow down right before I rode up the slope of the median. yes, you have to love the engineering of the buells, and Im glad you were able to make it out of that one, that situation could have gotten real ugly
Just the other day another bike ran a stop sign and almost took me out! WTF? bikes aren't supposed to hit other bikes!
Living out in the country makes it so I dont have to many close calls with other people. the only problem we have is animals, but on November 3 (the last day I got to ride before putting the bike up for the winter) I was riding at about 70 on a back road that I drive all of the time and I came around a corner and there were 6 goats in the middle of the road. Thanks again to the amazing brakes of a Buell, I was able to slow to about 30 before going just missing one of them :p
Just the other day another bike ran a stop sign and almost took me out! WTF? bikes aren't supposed to hit other bikes!
Tell that to Ghost Rider.

goats! lol! nice. we have lots of deer and guineas around here.
Once coming down Highway 97A I had a marmot run out in the road while a friend and I were doing 80+ We both barley missed him
wow, animals seem to be a problem lol we also have a lot of deer and other smaller creatures crossing the streets in NJ. I once had a bird almost fly right into me from the right side but some how maneuvered itself to fly right under my mufler. that d@mn bird had my heart beating at 3,000 rpm's just like my bike lol
animals are a problem! especially chupacabras here in Tennessee lol :D but so are walnuts falling out of trees that hang over the road! i was riding earlier this year goin about 55-60 down the beautiful back country roads of Tn when one fell down and hit me right in the shin! i never ride in shorts though thank God. haha
LOL at the walnuts! That's a new one.

So far, I've come close to hitting a couple deer and a couple Pheasants. (Pheasants are about on the same intelligence level as the Guineas mentioned earlier)

I did get hit with a moth (or something) that was about the size of a humming bird... hit me right in the forehead of my helmet, sounded like getting hit by a rock...
I hit a armadillo a few months back almost lost it. I have a 15 mile stretch of desolate road that I have to travel at 4:00 in the morning to get to work and its full of animals. I have to be on full alert. Every morning is a adventure and a maneuvering skills test. I have seen everything from Alligators :eek:, deer, hogs, raccoons, opossums, armadillos, rabbits, bobcats you name it I have seen in it on that road.
lol wow I can imagine how cautious you have to be riding that early in the morning especially in FL... how did the bike react when you hit the dillo?
I just glanced it and only really felt it on the back tire, kinda skipped the tire out to the side a little, made it wobble a few feet. What sucks about the dillos it their eyes don't shine at night like most other animals so they are real hard to see far off.