Clutch ???- help please

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2011
So ive searched and read the adjustment threads, watched the videos but none seem to pertain to my issue.

Yes i understand its a harley clutch and will never be as smooth as an inline 4 but is there any way to adjust so it shifts easier? Mine is really clunky and under aggressive throttle i keep getting false neutrals.

My lever has adequate freeplay and my friction zone seems to be fine.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Fluid is fine, how do i check the chain tension and what would i be looking for? Any other thoughts please?
Fluid is fine, how do i check the chain tension and what would i be looking for?  Any other thoughts please?
these things do shift hard from 1-2
I get it more from 3-4 under hard acceleration at the track.

Thanks for the tips. Anything else i can do?
Nobody? Would the primary drive chain make it hard to shift if it's too tight or to loose?
Surely there is a way to make this thing shift easier without going to an aftermarket clutch.
So you race your bike and want help setting it up? That's precious

Aren't you a genius? Nobody said race, I do TD's and don't know f**k about clutches. GTFO if you have nothing helpful to add.
Mine shifts great, no harder than my suzuki bandit did. Funny thing is my brother's sportster shifts like crap.

I've heard it is difficult to find N if the primary is not adjusted correctly....maybe it could affect shifts too?
Thanks in advance for any assistance
Stop doing "TD's" until you can fix **** yourself. How's that for advice? You ask me for it then you say GTFO? I added a smile face to the post as I thought it was funny. I still think it funny when someone can't even work on and keep their stuff operable but yet they go out and ride the **** out of thier bike then get on here looking for rememdies. Thats just funny to me.

So when you ask for assistance be sure you want it.
Stop doing "TD's" until you can fix **** yourself. How's that for advice? You ask me for it then you say GTFO? I added a smile face to the post as I thought it was funny. I still think it funny when someone can't even work on and keep their stuff operable but yet they go out and ride the **** out of thier bike then get on here looking for rememdies. Thats just funny to me.

So when you ask for assistance be sure you want it.

You still haven't added anything relevant to my thread, so your only coming in here to talk **** and postwhore? Can someone ban this Dbag?

This forum is about offering assistance right? People won't ask for help when trolls like you come in and bash in them for not being expert mechanics like you apprently are.

Like I said offer something relevant to my problem or GTFO my thread.
**** Lesley I love to ride dirt bikes and and race cars and do all kinds of stuff, do I need to stop doing all that just because I can't fix everything that may gowrong with them. Sorry but that is the most ridiculous statement I have ever read on this forum. Maybe you shouldnt post until you learn some manners- same principle right?
it,s not the clutch,it,s the transmission,because it is a Hd it will never shift like a jap or euro bike.guy,s that race them usually do a lot of machine work to them.If you are missing shifts between 3,d and 4th it might be a bent shift fork.Something you might try is to lower your shifter,this would get your foot under it more, hope this helps
Update for anyone who may reference this thread. My primary chain was loose at a little over 1/2" cold. So i tIghtened it up to factory specs per manual and it seems to have helped. Ill know for sure after my next td 7/7.