clutch issues, Help needed

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
So I went home at lunch and decided to ride my 1125R back to work. Started the bike, had it in Neutral, backed it out of the garage and when I went to pull the clutch in, it seemed weaker than usual, but didnt click right away. I stalled the engine when I kicked the bike down into 1st with the clutch handle all the way in.
After it died, I noticed the clutch lever was really easy to pull in, like there was no tension. The reservoir looked full still, and nothing looked broken. I just rode the bike 2 days ago and it ran like a champ. Anyone have ideas as to why this happened and what I need to do to fix?
Ok, Took a look at some of the diagrams in the XB service manual on here (not exactly for the 1125R, but brakes and clutch levers are all fairly universal, especially in Buells)... Think I know the problem, but not certain as I am at work and cant really look at it right now.

I thought everything looked OK from the outside, but may have missed something since I was in a rush to get back to work. Now that I look back I dont think the clutch cable was connected to the lever (which would explain the lack of tension) but am not 100% sure. If anyone still has any input, please let me know, I am all ears.
Bump again.. so the 1125R has a hydrolic clutch, which obviously does not use the clutch cable... back to square one... I am not noticing any weeping from clutch cover, the master cylinder seems to be full and leak free... WTF is wrong with it? lol... I just rode it the other day and it was fine.
ok, so I got home from work today and Voila... the F**king clutch cover was weeping... when I looked at lunch I didnt see anything, and when I felt it, it was dry, I guess it dried up after 2 days of not being ran, then started again when I had it idling to warm up at lunch??

anywho, took of the master cylinder cover, and it was a bit low, not empty, but low. I went to Autozone and picked up some more DOT 4 brake fluid to re-fill the cylinder, but I still need to bleed the line as it is still a bit weak and isnt fully working (figure air got in the line).

I dont have the lighting to work on it now, but I will get to it this weekend. Still need to schedule a service to fix the underlying problem, but that can be done tomorrow too.