Clutch not disengaging gear.

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2012
Not sure if I am over thinking this or not, but when I pull my clutch lever in it doesnt disengage the gear. I can put it in nuetral and it rolls free. I place it in gear, squeeze the clutch and it still feels like it is in gear. Not sure what the problem is because i just noticed it in my shop messing around with the bike. It didn't do this before the last ride and i didn't notice anything while I was riding. I have attempted to readjust the clutch, but nothing seems to help. Your thoughts gentlemen?[confused]
*EDIT* its a 2003 XB9R 7,000 miles.
It is just sitting in my shop and the engine is cold. i am going to pull it out now and start it, let it warm up and then see what happens. Hopefully im just over anylizing it and there is nothing wrong. just want to make sure everything is good before the Dragon V gets here. That would suck to mis it just because of something small.[cool]
coulb be the lock plate rotated. at the end of the clutch wire is the lock plate that sits inside the outer shell of the clutch pack. take off the derby cover and see if it is in place.
Well i just got back from a short ride and it seems that after warming up everything worked as it should. Probably just me...;)Thanks for all the responses. Im going to check that lock plate to be on the safe side tomorrow. Shops out back and I am in for the night. Take it easy.[cool]
Not sure if I am over thinking this or not, but when I pull my clutch lever in it doesnt disengage the gear. I can put it in nuetral and it rolls free. I place it in gear, squeeze the clutch and it still feels like it is in gear.

Mine does this as well sometimes, but only when it's been sitting and I try to move it around the garage.
Every bike I've had has done what you are describing, just clutch drag when cold. Usually once you force it and get it rolling it's pretty much free(like neutral). My buell, my brother's sportster, and my dad's road king do it worse than all other foreign models I've been around, not exactly sure why.
My buell also does it,just clutch drag like everyone here says,I have owned a yamaha,suzuki and a honda before my xb and they all had some slight drag sometimes.
Im glad it was just because it was cold. Thanks guys. Yeah on my foreign bikes didnt have this problem. Probably just a harley thing.[cool]
I've noticed with my buell that there are A LOT of "it's just a harley thing" thing's...

vibrates itself apart
spits, sputters, and hiccups
runs very hot
leaks oil
kickstand's brake off randomly

add clutch drag to the list

oh well....I still love it haha.

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