yeah I am old too (44).. I have had many accidents but the first one was the worst. I was 24 and disintegrated my Ninja 600R (modified) on a car that ran a red light in a intersection.. I did a clean T-bone right into her driver side door at 65mph! All I had on was my Army BDU uniform and a helmet (and that was unstrapped)!! I woke up 3 days later out of my coma, 2 years of recovery. After that, It was all the body armor all the time.
I went down 2 weeks ago when I hit a cat at 50mph.. no problems at all. Only $200 damage to the bike and $170 for a new Icon Helmet.. if you do not wear "street armor" at the minimum, your crazy. Full race, one piece is the best you can get but I choose 2 piece because it is so hot here in the summer.. and I keep my speeds at a "sane" level on the street. My main worry is being run over by a car behind me.. if that happens, there is no armor that can save you.
As for the young "squids", it find it amazing to see a 21 year old rider with maybe 10K miles experience on a hypersport. They will ride around like madmen but when an old guy on a XB12R in "Field Armor" shows up, they slow WAAY down and get shy.. I will say "Come on man, my bike is way slower than yours, lets play follow the leader.." They go "No, no thanks man.. not today.. I got to be somewhere soon." Or "No too many police out today." ...and I am NOT that fast, they think I am much faster than I really am. Its funny.