I got my new belt guard (tank protector) and the frame grip pads from Tech Spec. I went out to the garage, pulled the old girl out and gave her a good cleaning. I degreased and wiped all of the areas down with alcohol pads to prep for the install. I then proceeded to put all of the new goodies on. It looked perfect when I was done. I went back in the house for about 10 minutes and came back out to go for a ride and this is what I saw.
I'm puzzled. I'm pretty sure I did everything right and was very careful not to touch the sticky side when I was puting it on. So is it just crappy adhesive, or did I screw something up?
And if you can tell in the pics, the frame pads are popping at the curves.

I'm puzzled. I'm pretty sure I did everything right and was very careful not to touch the sticky side when I was puting it on. So is it just crappy adhesive, or did I screw something up?
And if you can tell in the pics, the frame pads are popping at the curves.