Crazy day.

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
So it was suppose to rain all day, thankfully the sun came out, so I decided to do some data logging, about 10 minutes into my data log, I see a pedestrian get hit by a truck, only doing 5-10 mph, but it kicked him back and he hit his head on the curb. Busted his head right open, I pulled over and started rendering first aid and getting an ambulance there. Got home after my data log, adjusted some numbers and went back out real quick data logging, got home and the data log wasnt running lol... crazy day. Figured I would share my day... oh and the pedestrian was about 65 years old, I wouldnt be surprised if he also mighta broke some bones.
Guy was lucky the car wasn't going any faster or that would've ended up worse!

I guess we have to put our problems into perspective! You were frustrated your data logging didn't work and this poor guy gets smacked by a car! I'd take the data logging issue! :D
Lol yea, the data logging happened afterwards.. so I was thankful that was the hardest thing of my day.