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Apr 24, 2012
I'm constantly amused by the symphony of noises these bikes make. Mine has made this noise since I got it but now I'm wondering if its something I need to address... When the bike is in neutral and off and I'm moving it, it makes a loud creaking sound that comes from what I assume is the drive sprocket (where the belt wraps around the output from the tranny). Does anyone else's bike do this?
I haven't heard that on mine but I did hear a slight squeak from my rear tire the other day as I was moving it in and out of the garage so now I'm going crazy thinking I need wheel bearings. I may end up swapping them out to be safe even though it hasn't made the noise again since.

If it's loud and doing it all the time, I'd try to pinpoint the exact location and then I'd take it apart and make sure a bearing isn't going somewhere in there. Could be catastrophic if something with the driveline goes bad mid ride.
Mine started doing this recently. Tracked it to the belt. Mine came from the rear sprocket. I put it on a stand and rotated the wheel. Roll it around and push on your belt with your hand and see if you can replicate it.

Haven't really noticed it doing anything unusual. Maybe someone else can jump in with a suggestion/solution.

15k service is coming soon so maybe I'll have the shop track it down.
My belt makes a squeaky noise when i roll the bike backwards at times. I'm not bothered....
My Bike makes the exact same noise when I roll it around while everything is off. It seems this is pretty standard based on everyone else's comments. Makes me feel a little better.
I thought I posted something with that pic but I guess not. The "e" on the right side flew off on a ride yesterday.. Always something not staying attached to her - LOL. I took the rest of the letters off that side. Should I go for the asymmetrical look or get new letters?
I'm going to have the tires and belt done soon, so I'll have them check out that noise. It is probably as normal as all the other noises though. Thanks for the feedback!
mustangGuy: it indeed is the nature of the beast. 2 of my buells "click and clack" when i roll them around the shop floor with motor off. be sure when having your drive belt and tires replaced as you stated, that you show the mechanic the "bridge" on the upper right side of the swingarm. that is to be removed for belt replacement INSTEAD OF the entire swingarm. just FYI. will save you a ton in labor costs at the shop.
My Uly has done it from day one, it lives on the lift in my garage and always creaks as I wheel it backwards out of the garage. As lunatic fringe says it's the nature of the beast.
Ha ha - yeah, the gas cap is upside down... Seems earlier to get off that way. I just can't be normal anyway!