****** day for me

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2011
well not a good day for me.. Decided I would go ride today for a bit before work.. first time out in months so I figured what hell.. wheelie time.. well there was a trooper behind me and he got it all on film.. twice.. so I got a speeding ticket.. 85 in a 65. cost $168.. and a careless driving ticket.. $107.. The guy was cool about it.. The first thing he said was "nice wheelies, looked good on camera." great. He got a 31 second video and then a 1:14 seconds on the next.. he said that he starting filming once I pulled it up.. crappy way to start the year..
Dude, act like you are going to fight it, even if you dont intend to, request all evidence, they will send u a dvd copy of the dash cam. Then just plead guilty and consider it a photographers fee.

It works... trust me...
He wouldn't show it to you on the side of the road of course. But if you plead not guilty when returning the ticket to the court house, type up a letter for discovery of evidence and hand it in at the same time, they legally cannot with hold it from you, they have to send a copy to your address. Then you can just go in before the court date, pay the fine and call it a day.

TRUST..... ME.....
Sorry to hear about your misfortune… Be glade you didn’t live in Illinois… After the first of the year it’s $1000.00 per wheelie. [down]
Your call buddy, I know the feeling. If it makes you feel better I think I can dig up a few dash cams of me getting pulled over.
maybe I will call in and say that im gonna fight it unless they have evidence.. then maybe they will send me a copy
^ While I normally agree with this %100. Usually a 30 second video of you lifting the front end up twice doesn't give up much wiggle room. A lawyer will get some of it reduced more than likely, but it prolly wouldnt get thrown out.

Calling wont work either mang, I dunno bout your state but even if you fight it, you have to submit a letter of discovery if you want to see the evidence presented against you.

What I do is always check the not guilty box on the back of the ticket, submit a letter of discovery, get their dash cam video, watch it and decide if I want to proceed on my own, or with a lawyer.

Either way you always get kick ass footage. Im in WA state btw, as im sure some state laws are different.
dont you guys have a points licence system? Here in Australia that would be a $600 + fine and I would say 6 points off your licence of which you have a total of 12 for 3 years . If you lose 12 its a court appearence and shitloads of cash plus a judge nominated time off the road . And as this is a BIG country with sparse areas of population then jobs may be kinda hard to keep . You are lucky mate.
yes we have a points system.. im going to see if i can get a discovery.. which means that they have to supply all info, video, radar.. basically anything they can use against me.. if it shows me very easily ill just pay it but if its a bad video.. ill fight it... no matter what they have to give me the evidence against me,,,
Iowa's driving offenses are kinda screwy... I'm originally from iowa, now live in nebraska, i lost my IOWA licsense for 6 months for speeding 56 in a 35 and "illegal speed contest" which was a crime i commited in lincoln, NE, When i arrived to court i found out they had made an error on court dates and had to squeeze mine in, so the county attorney offered me a plea bargain to make things faster, plead guilty to one charge and they'll drop the other. I pled guilty to "illegal speed contest" bcuz (as the county attorney told me) in nebraska its only one point on ur licsense and it should be the same in Iowa since they are "CO-Enforcement States". WRONG! in Iowa its a serious misdemeanor, just as bad as possessing a couple grams of meth. So i had to pay a $250 fine in Nebraska, and a $200 fine in Iowa and lose my licsense. So my suggestion is, if u do fight it, get a lawyer so u dont get screwed like I did.