DDM Tuning - HID SALE!!

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Just FYI, if you having done HID on your 1125CR - ITS TIME. DDM Tuning is having a sale - Motorcycle kit is as low as $17.50. www.ddmtuning.com Get er done![up]
The sale is SOOOOOOOOOO sweet. YOU HAVE NO REASON NOT TO BUY IT (I am hoping someone at ddm tuning is reading this...where's my commission???) :D
Last night I ordered a 55 watt set for my Lightning and a 55watt Hi/Low set for my F150. 150.00 shipped to my door here in Newfoundland. 40.00 was shipping. Great prices.
I have a reason not to buy it, the last time i ordered i waited 2 weeks and still nothing. i called and they said they where going to try and ship it out by the end of the week if not the following. so thats about 3weeks before my order would be shipped and another for shipping. 4-5 weeks is nuts. ill spend my money elsewhere and get the product in a reasonable,respectable amount of time.
Got mine today, ordered the 55w 5000 series. I am only doing the low beam in my CR took about an hour to install taking my time. So far I love them, can't wait to put some miles on with them.
Oh and I was wondering about buying two of these and doing that mod that makes both of the XBS lights turn on at the same time. When you do this, does it completely get rid of your high beam capability?
jm i have 6000kw bulbs in with no conversion, if you mean being able to flash your brights at someone. . . meh sure they might notice one blinking on and off, but my vision is way clearer, not so much on the distance but more peripheral clarity and a little more clarity at about the same distance.
Well reviewing the dual hi/low headlight mod threads, it looks like the standard modification is to have both lights on only when the switch is on hi beam. I guess I had in mind that if I got two HID bulbs/ballasts I'd want them both to be on all the time. What is the difference between the two light housings? Is it possible to have two low beams on all the time?
i was told the housings are different in the way the back of the housing is reflected and angled and all that, causing the high one to point where it should along with the low bean pointing where it should. i guess if you wanted dual high and dual lows you would have to get equally similar headlight buckets in back. from what i understand anyways
i just bought and received ddm dual 55 watt motorcycle kit for cheap and it as delivered in less than a week, now im waiting for a relay and a dpdt switch since i dont want to burn em out

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