i have a 06 firebolt xb12r and i finally got my ecmspy wire to come in last night and over excited about being able to finally do something to the buell i hooked it up to my laptop and went to see if my bike would connect.. i had no intention of changing anything until i have more knowledge of the program and how it works.. well it went great and it connected on the first try, i went threw all the screens and saved a copy of my stock tune, well i went to get off the bike and almost dropped my laptop well in the process i clicked and confirmed a tps reset.. i dont know how but it did.. but i did save the laptop.. well not knowing any better i just disconnected the wire and went back inside, after a quick search on the tps reset (daves videos) and learned that i didnt move the adjustment screw in the front of the motor.. well i went on a ride this morning and realized that it just wasnt running right.. under slight throttle from a dead stop it wanted to stall so i came back to the house and tried to do an actual tps reset and it just made it worse... now what? is there a way to reset it to zero or stock and re-due my reset please help