DIY airbox delete ; under $5

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
hello buellers,
this is my first write up and my second post. I have had this buell for about 5 weeks and am in the process of a tire change and while waiting for my new tire i decided to do some mods in prep for this winters project... remapping the ecm. I corrently have a k&n airfilter and a jardine exhuast. I relize the airbox delete is a touchy subject, meaning some love it and some think it's destruction of a perfect machine. I believe, if you can, with-in moderation, why not. So on with the write up.

Tools needed;

1) x2 five inch long 1/4in thread bolts

2) x2 7/16in wrenchs

3) 1/4in drill bit

4) tools needed to remove airbox cover and airbox (not sure on the size of bit head)

5) x16 1/4in nuts

6) at least 12in by 12in sheet of plexi-glass (or material one decides to use other than plexi-glass)

7) marker (black is easier)

8)power tools , drill , saw of some kind , sander of some kind

9) if planning to document , a good camera man or woman , both in my case

10) forgot until i was explaining how to add these. haha, sorry. x2 1/4in ID washers

Ok let me say i do have a lot of tools at my desposal because my grandfather restors corvettes and makes cabinets, i used a cordless drill , a band saw, and a circle or cylinder sander (some poeple say it differant). This ran me about 2 and half hours but that is also because i took alot of cig breaks(habits are bad, i know). For the none smoker i could see this taking about 1 and half or 2 hours maybe.

First remove the seat, the airbox cover (which is held on by 4 screws) and last the airbox itself(which is clip held, i belive it is 6 clips).


Second, remove the filter


Third, remove the airbox filter base(four screws, same size as the airbox cover). The two tubes slide out after removing screws, pull up(directly up) on the base and pop lose of the suction cone carefully removing what i believe is the O2 sensor.


Fourth,use 1/4 drill bit and drill two hole above the tube holes and below the suction cone hole. Placement on these holes is truely up to the maker, i chose this spot becuase of the suction cones liner doesn't leave much room otherwise.



Fifth, sand with a sheet of sandpaper and clean holes, push bolts through to ensure fit(should be firm fit).


Sixth, this is done with a few trial and error fitments of the filter. Place 2 nuts on each bolt close to the head of the bolt, slip through holes in base from the bottom. Place filter on top of base to line up the end of the bolts for a clean look.(sorry kinda hard to explain). Move top nut till bolt is about a 1/2in above level with the filter. tighten bottom nut to top nut for a secure vidraton fee fitment.


Seventh, place two more nuts on each bolt and spin on till the botom nut is firm against base, tighten useing 2 wrenches, one on the top nut of the underside of the base and one on the bottom nut of the top side o the base.Tighten top nut against bottom nut for a vibration free fitment.


Eighth, spin on two more nuts on each bolt till just below filter level. Add one washer on each bolt ontop of nuts. Leave nuts loose for time being.


Ok, not mentioned earlier, but i recommened safety glasses while cutting plexi-glass. DOESN'T PAY TO BE UNSAFE.

Nineth, trace out filter on plexi-glass using marker( i used a large sheet which i found in a storm door while remodeling a house (side job) and yes i got promission to take it.



Tenth, cut on the out side of the black marker line with saw.(once again i used a band saw, which took some angle chops to size down the large peice i had, also the closer to the line the less time spent sanding).




Eleventh, use sander and take away the black line. Steady is smooth, Smooth is fast, or something like that.
WARNING: the little white spiral peices that come off the plexi-glass are very warm. Not enough to burn, but enough to make you jump and mess up the sanding. This only happens with a power sander, if using a sheet of sandpaper then i dont believe you would have to worry about this.



12th, line up plexi-glass with fliter and place on bolts and mark holes with marker.



Thirteenth, drill holes using 1/4in drill bit and check assemblely, meaning, without mounting the base on the bike pre- assemble the filter and filter cover to line up the two nuts and washer to currect hieght for a snug fit with the plexi-cover and the filer. Once hieght is found tighten two nuts together by using the two wrenches in opposong directions, this will give a tight vibration free fitment.



Fourteenth, reassemble base to frametank. Be sure to add O2 sensor first then slip over suction cone, sliding the two tubes into holes and (this took some time) lipping the suction cones seal back around the base. Be patient, this getts very frustranting, or at least it did for me. Screw in the 4 screws and base should be snug again with only the two bolts and all nuts tighten on them protruding upward.


Fifthteenth, add washer to bolts, place filter in trench, place plexi-glass on bolts, placing washers on each bolt on top of the plexi-glass.



Sixteenth, tighten nut on each bolt and tighten another nut on each nut, once again tighten in opposing directions to get a vibration free fitment.


Last step, feak out because you are done. HAHA!!

Some pics of finshed product and what my bike looks like with no front tire=(



Ok, that's the write-up. Hope it was good and feel free to make corrections or sugesstions on anything. Lastly i would like to say i seen some one else do a write up on using the airbox cover and just cutting that to make a cheap airbox delete and i dont want to steal your thread or idea, This is purely another way to do that same mod, and also i have seen this done before and i am not the first to think of plexi-glass.

Oh and on more thing, i wanted to say this for my camera man, (camera woman was to shy for a pic) but always wear safty glass while using power tools, and if using a camera while power tools are in operation wear cool approved okley's, HAHA!! And dont let your camera man get bored or you wind up with these all over your camera.


On to the next mod, clear plexi-glass airbox cover.
Thanks for reading,

I like the plexiglass idea but it is very fragile and prone to cracking around the bolt holes. Also, I would think if you get a good backfire through the intake it would brake/blow that plexiglass cover clean off the filter. Keep us posted once you run the bike again.
I think it looks cool. Plexiglass is strong if it's thick enough. You could use bigger washers to spread out the pressure from the bolts. Any pressure from a backfire will be released through the filter.
Another problem with using the plexi is that it doesnt have the little cone extrusion like the air box cover. That cone helps air flow better into the stack. Thats why i cut my airbox for my open airbox. I wrote a how to on it, its also free.


The thing to the left of my alarm.

Good right up tho, im not trying to bash you or anything.
Loki got to it before I could [up]

That velocity nipple does really help and it's there for a reason.

Thanks gents,

Freak, i love my tail and i gotta have room for my girl to ride with, but maybe in the future wen i get another one we could talk about it, thanks for the offer tho.

oh9bolt, i thought thats how a cap should look but my friend suggested other wise, thanks for lettin me know, i can finally prove him wrong. haha

Turbo and Rocker, i will keep you guys updated and i went with the smaller washers because of that backfire reason, the fronter most part of the plexi can slightly bend upward, an inch or so, allowing the back pressure to exit through that gap but if the intake is suckin then it stays snug to the filter. i ran the bike in nuteral to test this theory but bigger washers would help if that plan fails on a big back fire. thanks for the insight.

loki and dave, i didnt even notice that cone shape on the inner airbox. i will do some trials and figures to see if there is a way to inovate that cone into the plexi look for better intake suction, i do see the reason for it tho, thank you so so much for pointing that out.

This is why i love this site, great poeple trying to help, good helpful insaght that solve problms from a third person view.
thanks for the feedback guys. i will deffinatly look into these details.
And by the way Freak that is a very nice bolt you got there, hold onto it, not sure were all of you guys are from but here in the midwest (IL) you dont see buells very often, i know of three in my area and thats between four cities. Keep the faith guys, in buells that is.
If it helps any there is a seat under that rear pilion cover........:D AND it matches your bike!!!
i know of three in my area and thats between four cities.

There's more than three cruisin around Peoria, I've talked to prolly about 6 or 7 ppl on buells there. It's just my luck that kody (in my graduating class of high school last year) gets a Buell a few months after I moved!....
Thanks for documenting everything and sharing the pictures. Unfortunately I do not own so many different power tools because I do not have enough space to store them and due to this I am normally using a power rental service. Recently I decided to also do some easy repairs on my own and due to this I will again rent the tools I need. That is the best option if you do not want to buy everything.

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