here's some numbers for you gentlemen and this comes directly from a friend of mine who is the sales manager of the largest dodge dealership in the world....where he has 6 of these lovelies on order. as per my beloved Chrysler Corporation:
1-approximately 550 lbs has been removed from the stock hemi V-8 challenger.
2-after weight reduction performed approx. 70 lbs of "ballast" added to right rear area of vehicle to off-set torque twist
3-hemi V-8 and trans assembly offset approx. 2-1/2 inches to passenger side
4-large toggle switch on dashboard has 3 choices of "modes" as follows:
mode #1----stock configuration-----758HP----on pump gas
mode #2----stock configuration-----843HP-----on pump gas
mode #3----does nothing---rendered useless UNTIL you purchase the "Rapid Transit" race package from Chrysler for approx. $1950 retail. the "package" is a very large box that consists of a tech manual, tools to remove passenger seat and entire rear seat assembly....add a block-off panel to rear X-bracing...quick drain attachment for fuel complete main vehicle computer assembly.....a few other race-type goodies.
following the instructions in the Rapid Transit manual, installing the new computer assembly, draining the tank and adding minimum 100 octane race fuel results in a mind-blowing 1023HP.
my friend also added that during development Chrysler techs running the car in mode #3 consistently ran 1/4 mile times in the low 9 second range with trap speeds of over 140mph. absolutely insane!