Dyno boost performance chip for sale

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Premium Member
May 23, 2010
For sale 165 shipped anywhere in us, I will ship international for 175 shipped.
I will even trade towards other buell stuff to help a fellow bueller.

Fits all buell models 2003 to 2008.
Brand new open package. Easy to install.

This adjustable bike performance chip tricks the ECU thinking the intake air much more cooler, then the ECU will send more fuel for a richer mix besides it fools O2 sensor (if any) voltage signal to block restrictions developed by the ECU. Dyno-Boost performance chip allows you to fully adjust injection timing and Air Fuel Ratio (AFR). It delivers 15 % extra HP and torque throughout the RPM range without compromise of engine durability or reliability. Even people who are not technical minded will find, kit is not difficult to install just needs 30 minutes. Simply wires inline with factory IAT/MAF sensor. 10-year warranty. It improves economy by up to 6%.
Can you upgrade with the Fuel molecular atomizer kit as well? Special Rare earth magnets that reshape the fuel molecules and atoms into a more slippery shape thereby increasing flow and thus increasing performance by 20% and fuel economy boosts of up to 5mpg?

Plus a Frantz Oil filter and Id be good to go.,,,,,


So I was reading about that Frantz oil filer and I was dying laughing thinking it was a joke. Then I googled it to realize that people actually use it. Wow! Why bother with decades of oil engineering when you can use a roll of toilet paper. Priceless!

And bump for the Dyna-booster performance chip. I don't know why I spent so much money with my wideband and countless hours tuning, adjusting fuel maps, and afr values when I could just throw an inline resister with a pot, and be good to go! LOL. All yours for the low price of $165.

I would at least run it with a Tornado in the intake boot and a Fuel Magnetizer on the fuel line for maximum performance.

I am so in the wrong line of work. Please do us all a favor and do not sell this to some unsuspecting soul. If you want your bike to run right we will give you the advice and tools to do it correctly. It is not hard but takes time and patience. (and lots of reading on here)
I was expecting to see 1 post next to this username... 332! What the heck has he been posting about?!
For sale 165 shipped anywhere in us, I will ship international for 175 shipped.
I will even trade towards other buell stuff to help a fellow bueller.

Fits all buell models 2003 to 2008.
Brand new open package. Easy to install.

This adjustable bike performance chip tricks the ECU thinking the intake air much more cooler, then the ECU will send more fuel for a richer mix besides it fools O2 sensor (if any) voltage signal to block restrictions developed by the ECU. Dyno-Boost performance chip allows you to fully adjust injection timing and Air Fuel Ratio (AFR). It delivers 15 % extra HP and torque throughout the RPM range without compromise of engine durability or reliability. Even people who are not technical minded will find, kit is not difficult to install just needs 30 minutes. Simply wires inline with factory IAT/MAF sensor. 10-year warranty. It improves economy by up to 6%.

I don't need this... I have plenty of stickers on my bike and helmet. I've heard that each sticker is worth 5-10 HP and TQ plus fuel economy doubles....
I found one of the Frantz oil filter kits in a neighbors barn right before they had a moving sale, Couldnt believe it,, I bought it for $20 and used it to clean my solvent tank solvents, as well as used oil for a old shop furnace we had,, It actually really worked well. I never in a million years would have thought to actually use it on a vehicle,,, so,, I took some supplemental classes for aviation mechanics before going to get my civilian Acft mechanics license and in one of the classes made a joke about Frantz oil filters,, and the instructor went off on a tangent that they are great and ripped into me a bit for Dissing them. I didnt know how to respond to that, A federally licensed FAA Instructor singing the merits of a toilet paper roll filter, [confused].. so fast forward to a few years ago and a estate sale near my house, In the guys workshop was a HUGE collection of Frantz products, filters, housings and accy, apparently the old farmer was a regional distributor for Frantz, I made my typical low ball offers for a variety of the filter kits,, still cant imagine using them on a vehicle but COULD sure use them for other uses in my shop and little farm.

Apparently i REALLY offended the estate sale sellers by low prices. Thats when i learned how much they charge for those things, I had assumed it was really low JC Whitney gimmick prices,, was shocked ANYONE would pay what they ask for those kits. I still am, I know manufacturing and production, My wife is a production manager as well for a local machine shop that makes all kinds of parts for companys many of you know. I told the lady I could make the same products for 1/10th of their asking prices, But i cant see doing it because who the hell is gonna buy them?

So to me,, its just a goofy gimmick, but if you ever find a kit at a garage sale for say,,, $20 its worth getting just to use in the shop to filter fuels, oils, and solvents,,, but i still wouldnt put one on a vehicle,
I am only selling it, because it was bought and never used.
You guys can knock it all you want. I dont claim that it works or that it dont work, or the numbers, that part was downloaded from the internet.
I do notice alot of the same names, that only answer the adds and peoples comments or questions with bs responses. Maybe you guys should get off the internet and learn some stuff.
Answer with real knowledge,and not with stuff you read on the internet that someone else tried.
When people ask for help or knowledge most of you guys mock them, stop being a douche and help someone out or give an honest opinion.
It is my right to buy or sell on her so I will not take it off.
You are the ones that are bringing down the buell forum.
ddfi will detect and eliminate such attempts of manipulations within a fraction of a second. ******** at it's worst. wasted money.
Okay, the reason the same guys respond tends to be because we know our ****.


15 % + HP
15 % + Torque
20 % + acceleration
6 % economy improvement
higher top end speed (if no factory speed governor or RPM limiter fitted)
no flat spots
improved throttle response
awesome hole shot
engine reliability, durability not affected

Straight off the website

There is at least one dead giveaway in there that tells you this product is a crock of ****. Air temp and O2 signal manipulation will never increase your top speed, that has to do with gearing and RPM limits.

Yes it is your right to sell here, but it's just as much our right to criticize what you're selling.

As far as most guys being mocked, you obviously don't spend much time on forums. Go to other forums and see for yourself, but most people that ask simple questions get scoffed at. Also it's winter, the aggression and number of posts goes up in the winter on most motorcycle forums.

Honestly I'd say you'd be luckier on ebay since it is a universal product and the people on these forums know we can actually tune our bikes with a $40 cable.

The product is just a fail, especially in the Buell community.
The reason why we are heckling you is because you are offering to sell a bad product to people who know better.

Imagine if I came on here and tried to sell a Tornado. The air in your intake will spin so fast that the motor will run cooler, you can extend your oil changes, get better fuel economy, more power, and more top end. Then I cut and pasted the sales pitch from the website. After you stopped laughing you would post as well mocking me.

Then if God forbid someone spends money to buy this product, installs it, then gets pissed when they realize it is worthless and they are out time and money. It makes you look bad and the rest of us generally try to look out for our fellow Buellers. So thats why we do it....

All of us on here offer our knowledge and try to help others out. Some are a bit more abrasive than others but we all contribute. Heck I even offer my tuning spreadsheets that I have spent tons of hours on. Gunter and Ich offer ECMSPY that God only knows how much time and resources they spent. They just ask for a donation!

But then you come on here and offer a bad product and get upset when we call you out on it. if it was me I would have bit the bullet, learned from mistake, and threw it away. Not try to pass it on and let someone else realize how worthless it is. If you want to be shady throw it up on Ebay and hope you don't get bad feedback, or throw it up on Craigslist and hope your house doesn't get egged. I am not trying to be a dick here but just say it like it is. Eat the cost, buy a cable (I think you have one right from another post?), and we can help you tune. I will share everything you need to tune your bike. I won't do the work for you but I will share my knowledge.
I dont get mad I wonder how many of you guys read other stuff and then argue it,with out really knowing,and yes I do have the cable and software,I don`t mind experimenting and trying different stuff. Yes I agree that the numbers may be fictitious, but I didn`t make them up,
And I also installed a dobeck on one of my buells,it was alot faster to install,then tune it.
I do like hearing other peoples opinions on stuff,becuase that is how I learn some things also,But I prefer to hear it from someone who has tested an idea and has real input,and not someone who has read it somewhere and is arguing the point,and they are cherry?
Please do keep providing good or bad feedback on items,but please make sure it is legit.You can say the item sucks,or is bad,
Thanks for the input
Imagine if I came on here and tried to sell a Tornado.

I've been looking for one of these for months now, it seems they are no longer produced!!! How much do you want for it!?!?!?!?!? Must be worth even more now as they are a rare performance part ;)

If you understand how the ecm/fuel management system works, you'd know how ridiculous the product is and how it simply can not work the way it's advertised. It's a fact.
Ok thanks for your input, back it up with real world data.
I am not saying I believe in it, I want people to back up their comments with real info.
Once again it appears someone is people bashing me because I tried something, or asked for info on something.
I'm not bashing you. Trying to help you.

It's not something new, this gimmick has been around a long time.