Dyno-boost performance chip

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Sep 24, 2009
Has anyone tried the Dyno-boost performance chip from Magnum Tuning? I have an 03 xb9r with the open airbox an the cf jardine rt-1 exhaust an have been thinking about trying this performance chip out, but was hopein for some advice from my brother buellers.
I have heard noting but bad reviews about those things. There was a thread a year ago with nothing but bad reviews.
Remap, or custom tune is your best bet.
Might want to stay away from that little Bugger, I haven't used anything like that .Besides WE Have ECM Spy & Tuner ProRT good to go . If you need help on that see if Octopus is still helping out with Lessons on using these great tuning options. I myself am going to do that as soon as I catch up at the Shop. Hope these guys are still doing that.
the only revieue I ve seen posted at all about dyno boost was a year ago.A guy built a great pipe for xb,installed the chip,took the time to post pictures,and gave it rave reviews,and was slamed by every geek with a lap top,who still by the way,havnt figured out that ecm spy or the likes,could never and will never change a 08 or later ecm.After the total dis,never heard from him on this forum again.
...who still by the way,havnt figured out that ecm spy or the likes,could never and will never change a 08 or later ecm.

No, but Tuner ProRT is a way better program, and it does the newer bikes.

The problem with our bikes and add-on tuners is how our bikes interact with the O2 sensor. Add ons wil basically make changes for a bit until the ecm figures it out and re-maps itself to adjust for the changes the add-on is making and basically you're back to square 1.
ecm spy or the likes,could never and will never change a 08 or later ecm

That's actually quite incorrect. ECMSpy (even the older version) can, and will change the EEPROM on 08+ ECMs. TunerPro will also do this, but with much greater efficacy and accuracy.

Hex layout changed between DDFI-2 and DDFI-3 systems, and the EEPROM was greatly expanded in the latter. The protocol by which a computer can communicate with and alter an ECM, however, remained (mostly) the same.
still havnt heard from anyone claiming sucess,and have heard about damaging ecu,permantly.If I missed the post,please let me know where it is? thanks