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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
Any one else feel that earth quake a little bit ago. I got to see my boss turn from hardass to a little schoolgirl in about .2 seconds. IT was hillarious.
It shook my office building at Picatinny Arsenal New Jersey hard enough to activate the alarms of almost every building on post.
Nothing here in sun shiny Sarasota, Florida. Maybe there are some pretty nasty waves at our world renowned beaches. Probably not though. :p
Didn't feel it, I'm in central new jersey :/ but my boss felt it in his office upstairs, maybe it has to do with the concrete foundation? And them being a bit higher up in the warehouse? Ooh well I heard it was something like a 5.7?
Might have felt it if I wasn't out on the fact: v-twins vibrate more than an earthquake!! [up][up]
they said you could feel it in new england, but i didnt notice anything. I hope there is not a tell tail sign in my RP parts building in the machines right now.
i got a phone call from my #1 roaddog in state collage, pa. to let me know the end of the world was here, cuz now there having earth quakes in the east.
I didn't feel anything while walking in Pittsburgh but my sister did (she works in a tall building) and they evacuated.
buellacracy...i lived on siesta key for a year. ever head to stitch boutique downtown srq?
I didn't feel it in the Bronx, NY. Some people here felt it. Others didn't. I noticed the people with their @$$ usually glued to a seat are the ones that said they felt it. The rest of us were too busy working to feel it.
They evac'd a few midtown buildings and a few people lost cell reception.

I have been in there before. I bought a pair of pants from them about a year ago I think. My gf loves that place. Are you still local?
Damn,here I thought I was working my tires hard off that corner,and it was only a earthquake making the earth move.I guess it is another case of "the older I get,the faster I was"
Yep felt it here, arlington,va. Shook my apt like hell. Laptop flew off my desk, grabbed the cats and ran like hell. Old building didn't take it well. Some walls cracked. Drove around, lots of broken windows in my area. Atleast my 1st day of classes got cancelled.