ECM Location

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Apr 12, 2011
New to the XB, I recently got a 04 XB12R. I am trying to figure out what has been done to the bike. I know it has a K&N, I believe it has the Race exhaust but I cant find the ecm to see what it is.
Any help would be great.
Welcome and congrats on the new bike!!

Your ECM is behind the front fairing.

Post some pics of your bike!!
Matt remove your mirrors, front blinkers, and the two bottom screws on your wind screen. Behind there you'll see the hidden treasure known as the EMC.
Mattd79,TheECM, is behind the front fairing. 1-remove the mirriors.2-remove the windshield,completely(and be careful)of the compress style rubber bushings and small white OR clear washers.The shield gets fragile once a few years old. 2 nuts w/washers on the signals & 4 bolts to hold the bracket & two plugs(for ecm) The Headlites area be gentle maybe lay a towell on the front fender or some way to keep it from hanging by the Wires Inspect your wiring while in the area you are working.Yes that does look like the Race exhaust of the time.Take good care of the bike she looks good!Treasure that exhaust!Syn.,oil-only!See if you can get a Rt.side air scoop for cooling the rear cylinder. Make sure if you Remove the ECM bracket that the Two inner bolts on the side 3/8s.These go in a certain way look at that area so as not to crack or break the inner faring holder.Enjoy working on your most unique Bike & Have fun with it.`Jimi[up]
Hello, I Have A 2004 XB12R Also. I Have A ECM Laying Around I Want To Put On It. But Do Not Know If It Will Work And Dont Want To Mess Something Up. It Was A TUNEABLE Race ECM From A Wrecked 2006 XB9R. Would This Work? Also I Cannot Provide A Part Number As It Only Has 2 Barcodes On It. And Everyone I Have Asked Can Not Help Me Find Out Exactly What ECM Model # It Is [mad] . Thanks. If I Can't Find Anything Out I May Just Have To Wing It And Hope For The Best .. [sad]
@firenet, as far as my understanding goes the ECM's are not exchangeable between the 9's and 12's. Ive never checked into it myself but im almost for positive on this one but I would double check with a more "senior" bueller first.
Well I Just Bought A 2004 XB12R And Threw The Old ECM From A 2006 XB9R In It. Thought The Worst That Can Happen Is 1- Wont Run, 2- May Mess Something Electrical Up. WELL THE RESULTS..... IT FIRED RIGHT UP AND RUNS LIKE A STRIPED A** APE! Now Need To Fine Tune The Old Chip To The New Bike.... I Cant Believe It Worked. But Hey I Can't Complain!
Some ECM's Are Interchangable. But If I Am Not Mistaken In 2008 They Changed Systems. So Pre 2008 And After 2008 Will NOT Mix. But I May Be Mistaken
Thought I read somewhere that an 08+ 9R ecm would work and is tunable but an ecm for a 08+ 12 is not.
Can anyone clarify? So if it is true then I may just pick up an ecm for an 09 9R then.