ECMspy megalog NOOB questions...

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Aug 7, 2013
This has probably been covered a thousand times....but I have read threads for the past two weeks, bookmarked some even, but I still am a noob and I need some handholding!!

details: 2003 XB9S, all stock except the 'white wire mod' and PCV's vented to atmosphere (all the hoses were missing along with the airbox, so just T'eed them and ran a single hose down)

Bike sat for a few years, was missing some parts by the time I got it....I now have the bike running and rideable, but does not idle very steady, sometimes will idle fine but then dips low (~600rpm) and sometimes stalls, has a good bit of stumbling off idle/2500-3000 range and does a slight stumble/hesitation at a steady cruise in the 3500-4000 range. I used ECMspy to reset the TPS and reset AFV, did a half hour ride to include about a ten mile steady 3500RPM stretch....Bike seemed to have better throttle response, also pulled harder! BUT, towards the end of the ride, the idle stumble was back....stalled a couple times at stoplights. when it is idling ok, it's right at 1000RPM...

I have new intake and exhaust gaskets on the way to eliminate the possibility they're leaking and causing the poor idle, off-idle and steady RPM stumble, and the occasional backfire in the airbox, and decel popping. the bike also has new NGK plugs and new wires installed (cause they were missing too, but am using the coil that was in the bucket of parts with it...) and a pretty clean looking air filter that came with the flea-bay airbox I bought for it. also all new fluids and filters. The fuel pump it had was in bad condition from sitting, very gunky sorta rusty and the screen crumbled when I removed it, so I bought and am using a used one off ebay, should I rebuild it with new autozone pump and screen just to eliminate that possibility too?

Anyways, here comes where the steep learning curve is for me....

1st, when I bought the ECM cable, I got a disc with ECMspy/tuning guide/driver/and some maps....How do I save the eeprom and map I have now, and how do I then burn a stock map back onto my ECM to eliminate the possibility it has some modified map already? When the bike is connected and communicating, there is still no highlighted option to load/save for maps or eeproms under the file button. Am I just missing something? I open ECMspy as administrator BTW

2nd, I need to know if I have to buy megalog viewer MS to run VE analyzation, or is there a free download of it somewhere? I don't mind paying, but if it's available why not?

Again, sorry for all the noob questions....not only is this is my first XB, but the first time I've used a windows computer in about a decade.....I have a '96 S1 that runs great, but not nearly as nice to ride around in the handling/suspension/brakes dept. as this XB is....
Alright, I have 2nd question answered with some more time on google....MLV is installed!

now, onto how do I analyze, correct and load the maps?
Took me most of the afternoon to conclude that it sure would be nice for some basic info to be inserted to the tuning guide as well as anyone posting up tutorials....first off for ecmspy: run as administrator and switching from standard to professional....this info was very hard to find!!! but now I have it...

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