Erik Buell, and Execs

Buellxb Forum

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Oct 9, 2006
So what's the odds of getting Erik Buell or any other Executives from Buell or Harley Davidson to chat on this forum? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this? Our Buell forum ranks on the first page of Google for 'buell', 'buell motorcycles', 'buell parts', and 'buell forum'. I know they've had to run across this site. I bet they read this forum to get feedback on motorcycles, parts, colors, etc.
If they read this,
Hey Erik! Thanks for a road eating beast of a bike! Buells Rule!![up]
I'm sure they've had to check this site out. I know they've checked out a Buell site from the other side of the globe. I hope they like us better. :D
Well, which site do they look at? It would be great if we could get an inside line into the Jesus of Buells. I'd like to personally thank him for the Cyclone.
As a new Buell owner, but 10 year bike owner I just love my new 06 XB12s. I can't wait to get out of the 500 mile break-in period. Call me crazy, but I even love the translucent tank & flyscreen. I also love the power, the economy, and the quickness of the steering. What would I change? The sound coming out of the pipe, more gas storage, louder horn, and a longer rear fender. I also think more Buell parts - look at Triumph or gosh, even Harley! Buells Ruell!

I'm really suprised you haven't heard from Buell's lawyers.
When we were trying to register out group (the Hellbuellies)
as a local BRAG chapter,
they wouldn't let us use the name Buell anywhere in it.

So the fact that you have a website named,
both of which (Buell and XB) being registered trademarks,
I'm really, really, suprised you haven't got a cease and desist letter...

I hope it never happens.
But the deeper the pockets, the more aggressive the protection.

Robtk!42 a.k.a. "Special K"