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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2011
evilbay at it again...my wife has been using my ebay account getting rid of stuff she no longer wants to hold on to...anyway, she found it puzzling that they are holding your cash for up to 21 days to ensure the buyer gets their product and or refund before the cash is released, also having to use shipping labels from either ebay or paypal, then they took shipping charges from my bank account rather than my paypal account...WTF? anyone else have this issue? [confused] over this since I've had an ebay / paypal account since 2006, buying and selling.
I recently sold a Bose sound system that I got from a closing Pacsun store for 2100 on ebay. Apparently the buyer had me send it to a dock and had a hard time finding it. Threatened me to file a dispute or whatever until I gave him tracking numbers, had him call UPS to confirm that it was delivered and signed for, and the rest was his problem. You just never know when going through ebay...
you not going to like what i have to say, but this is how EBAY works if you choose to use it......

If you had some funds in there prior to you selling, it could have came out of that. and check your settngs on where you charges for selling fee's etc..come from, you have a "first source" settings for that, and if those funds are not there, you have a second source to cover it. that money is held to keep good customers from being ripped off, its just the Law of the land in EBAY world. I believe you can have the funds come from you paypal credit card first insted of your bank account insted of your bank account, (paypal likes those interest fees!)

in the end EBAY does a good job of protecting everyones interest, i feel secure in buying and selling on EBAY.

3 years ago when I had a work EBAY account establised and the "BOSS " was out of state, over $10,000.00 of sales were frozen,....and rising because you can still sell product, but not access the funds. it took 20 phone calls, 1/2" stack of faxed paperwork and 7 weeks later, it finally got resolved. and the original problem??? no one knows, it could have been a security freeze when the account gets that high??? guessing, but in the end it it there to protect the funds from being stolen. so I do understand your frustration.
PS......for those selling, ALWAYS provide a tracking number, it protects your own interest. and when buying, always ask for a tracking number.
thanks guys...looking into what the settings are and gonna change it. the wife is pretty pissed over it, regardless I told her not to f#@$ my accounts up since I recently reinstated 'em after awhile back she and my son didn't follow through with a sale and shipping that caused both of our accounts to be limited. got my account cleared, but she's boycotting hers, blah, blah, blah...her speaking about it:D
I have seen that happen to a couple friends before and I think they decided it had to do with what type of items being sold maybe. Phones, etc. ? I don't remember for sure what or why but it doesn't happen to everything that way.
I think one's account can be temporarily flagged (ex: for holding funds) after a certain number of issues (ex: disputes reported against one).Should go away after a month or two.