fading clutch

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Jun 9, 2011

I recently purchased my third buell and have to say the CR is an amazing machine. Long story short the setup is quite different from the XB9 and 12 i owned. The clutch recently started falling away, this happend after a local bike shop changed the back tyre?!?! ...after a lot of struggling.

Does anybody have any idea what could be the problem? I looked for a leak everywhere but nothing. Happy to take it to harley davidson south africa but im a bit worried about the cost. Im not a expert but i've owned bikes for a good 17 years so if i can fix myself that would be first prize.
Just got some info from a friend and long time buell rider. Sounds like the 2009 1125 cr had issues with the clutch line and some with the master cylinder? If this is the case it might be better to take it to harley, spoke to the first owner who mentioned the bike was bought in december 2009 so it should still be under warranty.

Not a lot of people in SA own these bikes so hard to find help, anything would be appreciated.
CR -

"falling away"

Please elaborate.
What does falling away mean?

For what it's worth, my CR has over 21,000 miles on the stock clutch assembly and is working fine. Except for the occasional fluid droppings...!

Sorry probably could have explained better

The first time i noticed the problem was early in the morning. Got on the bike and felt the clutch lever was softer than before. As soon as i started, pulled in the clutch and kicked it in first the bike stalled... no clutch. I the left it in neutral idling to warm it up and pumping the clutch a bit.. whalla it worked fine then. That afternoon after work i had the same problem but this time around nothing helped. Tried pumping it again to the point where my hand started hurting [mad] and only then did i get a bit of clutch just to get it in first to drive home... what a mission. I had to keep on pumping it even while driving otherwise it just dissapears completely. I tried bleeding the clutch the next day with no help. No visible leaks anywhere, cleaned everything after the bleed just to make sure i didn't miss anything.
Yes its a barsterd when that happens my 2010 CR did same thing when it was only 4 months old . Its bin a prob with them predy well since the first year of 1125. I dont know what year CR you have the 2010 has different plunger and piston in the slave cilinder. andis ment to have sorted clutch prob from earlyer models. But it also can have issues.Where the fluid line enters your clutch housing the round black plug on the out side of housing has a slave cilinder just in behind it the seals fail on the plunger and where your fluid is going is inwards and ends up trapt between your clutch diafram for the slipper clutch.If your local shop deals with Buells they should know about the prob.Mine was repaired under warrenty. but i have repaired 2 others myself.If you have a pre 2010 CR then they have an up grade kit for them. Here in New Zealand they are pricy $450. For the 2010 CR you can get a seal kit for around $30.Dont ignore this one by bleeding it up and hoping itl go away cause it gets worse predy quik.Im imbarrest to tell any one this.But i ended up coming of on grass because when i pulled the clutch in there was none ise heading for a wooden fence, tried to turn away from fence front wheel slipt on wet grass. Couldnt believe i broke my ****** leg.at all of abuot 10k an hour.and this is from a guy thats got 37 years of safe fast riding under his belt.the funny thing is i was trying to ride it to the HD dealers for the CLUTCH repair.I ended up in plaster for 3 months. i still cant believ that happend. sorry to stray of the subject if your machanicly minded it a easy repair.I personolly have not heard of the fluid line or mastercylinder giving any problems. I hope this is of some help to you. KIWI [cool]
Hi Kiwi

Thanks a lot for all of that..

I've got a late 2009 (which they say is a 2010 spec). After some struggling this week in between work, kids, family and all the other "priorities" one needs to deal with i decied to go to the nearest HD dealer to find out if its still under warranty and if they could help. They were very helpful and ask i bring the bike in alternativly as soon as they can they'll fetch it from me for a fee. I decided to just drive it there so they can start.. i did the same thing and drove it AGAIN without a clutch. Also came of it nearly twice :D Luckily the bike is there now and awaiting a call from them by tomorrow or wednesday to let me know.

I'll keep you posted as to their finding.
Sounds like the slave Aka clutch cover there's at least three revision.
I few poeple have had luck re sealing with some o rings.
But I have been lucky no issues so far at 11,500 miles
Hi guys

Its both the slave and o rings. Harley ordered them yesterday at R1500 (about $220 US). I need to speak to the service manager as the bike is still under warranty, thought this type of thing should be covered by?

Bad news is it will take them 3 weeks to receive the parts (wonderful thing staying in africa...) so im gonna sit without a bike for a good 4 weeks...
Sounds like they are fitting the up grade kit to your CR.If so i rekomend purchasing the up grade kit seals so you have them on hand if it gives you trouble down the line some where.The seals on there own are only a few dollars. I have the same waiting time for parts etc in NZ. So i have purchased a spare drive belt,fork seals,rocker cover gaskets (for when i do valve shim check), spark plugs, and yes a spare clutch seal kit.They repaired my clutch under warrenty so yours shoeld be coverd as well you would think.The valve shims them selfs are same as the V rod so should be redaly available.I have allready had my stator replaced under warrenty. And if that packs up again i will have it rewound and hope fully that will then make it more relaible. But aside from that the 1125CR is a bit of a weapon exspecaily if you compare it to my 1997 lightning i had previously.I wish you best of luck with yours. KIWI [cool]
Hi just wanted to thanks everyone for their input.

Got my machine back yesterday, repair was eventually done under warrenty! They had to replace two of the four seals in the casing. Also asked them to get me a second kit which i would pay for (as per Kiwi recommendation)
CR MONSTA, Glad to hear you got your clutch sorted under warrenty etc. As mine did it at 4000 klm and i now have 25000 klm on clock i have my fingers crost it will stay ok. But i have spare kit just in case. Be lucky [cool] KIWI.