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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2008
Hi everone, my name is Mike. I am not new to Buells, but its been awhile since my last Buell. I've owned an XB9SX, XB12S and now an XB9R. I picked her up for $1500 from a guy that needed money bad. It did need a few things such as a bonded title, since it was a police impound. I installed new clipons since both of them were bent, new shifter pedal, a mirror and new tires. Both rims were bent so I had them straightened. As I was getting new tires installed, they noticed that the front tire had a tube. Later found out the rim has a crack in it that does not allow an air tight seal. I'll get another rim one day. I just changed the engine oil, primary oil, spark plugs and belt. I also installed a race ECM and K&N filter. Just got everything buttoned up and now the low beam won't come on with the key on. Lol, just my luck. Should be an easy fix. Tomorrow I'll do a TPS reset and fire her up. I look forward to adding to this valuable forum.
Welcome! I like pictures.. So does this forum... We dont believe until we see.

I hope to see many posts, sounds like youve a decent amount of personal skills to work on your bike with little aid. But wer here if you need help or wanna bounce ideas off of, or even for fun.
heck after 46 post, you've already been welcomed enough:D as usual, "pics or it didn't happen" is the phrase you'll see often and like crash stated, we're a visual crowd here, pics speak got a great deal on her, minor repairs, except needing a new wheel, ask on parts for sale and I'm sure someone has a wheel for your here on the forum:D
Welcome to the forum [up]

While your messing with the lights I would suggest checking the reflective surface in your housings and removing the low beam deflector. I don know how much night riding you plan on doing but that will make a hell of an improvement as far as visibility goes.