Friend had a bad accident

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Apr 24, 2012
My 65 year old friend was in a bad accident on his bike this weekend. A woman pulled out in front of him from a side road onto the main road he was traveling on. He said she didn't even look. When she heard his tires squealing, she slammed on her brakes and completely blocked his path of travel. He T-boned her and flew over the car. He broke his pelvis, an ankle and his wrist. He was in ICU for a few days but is now on a surgery ward pending his next operation. He's in a great deal of pain and very depressed. He knows he's lucky to be alive but doesn't think he'll ever ride again. His prized 2003 V-Rod is completely destroyed. He lives alone and is very worried about his dog. There's a bunch of us who ride together all the time so we'll all be helping him until he's on his feet again - which will likely be a long time.

Well all know the risks involved when riding, but it doesn't change how I feel. I worry more about my friends riding than I do for myself. I'm sure the driver of the car wishes to God that she had taken that extra second to look, but it's done and her mistake may have permanently taken away the one thing that my friend loves the most in life - besides his dog and his friends.

I personally don't like reading posts about accidents and I apologize to those who feel the same. I just needed to get it out.
I personally don't like reading posts about accidents and I apologize to those who feel the same.
Don't apologize! No one enjoys reading about accidents, but the occasional sobering reminder of the real risks of what we do never hurt anyone.

Here's hoping for your friend's speedy recovery...
The posts about the sport bike riders who were ran over on the freeway when they lost control of their 90MPH wheelie don't seem to phase me much, but this one really hit home... [sad]

I really hope your friend makes a full recovery...and also gets fairly compensated for his injuries.
The posts about the sport bike riders who were ran over on the freeway when they lost control of their 90MPH wheelie don't seem to phase me much, but this one really hit home...

Agreed, stupid is as stupid does. But wrecks from responsible drivers because of stupid people in there cars really pisses me off
wow this just reminded me of my friend on a v rod lady pulled out in front of him. He lost a leg from his accident but say he wants a trike .. some of us never stay down. How your friends has a speedy recovery
Mustang- no apologies necessary! Hats off to you for being a good friend...if I lived alone and were stuck in a hospital, I'd be worried about my dog, too! It definitely sucks about his bike and his injuries, but he's still alive when it sounds like he could have easily lost his life.
Keep doing what you're doing...good friends are hard to come by.
I'm sorry DrogeN. Just wanted to followup on my friend's condition. I'm glad to say he is doing 500% better. He's in less pain and taking less meds, even though he just had surgery 2 days ago. He's got his spunk back too. I'm not religious myself but I know there were a lot of people praying for him. I do think it made a difference.
Good to hear! Its nice to hear good news every once and a while. Send my families best wishes.
Still recovering from my accident last week and once again am reminded of how lucky I was. Wishing him a speedy recovery and hoping this story inspires at least one cager to look both ways in the future
Thanks again for all the well wishes for my friend. He's being discharged today. He's able to get around very slowly, but at least he's up and out of bed. He will a live-in assistance for a while. I am still amazed by his progress, courage and inner strength. He's already planning to have his riding buddies over for drinks!

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