I wiped everything down with brake cleaner, but I'll be sure to give it all a quick sand when I take it apart again.
Cooter, for the anti-seize is that a coating on the washers and spring? Or on the bolts as well? Or do you thread lock those?
sinikl, mine feels pretty sketchy, like I shouldn't be riding it, which I'm pretty much not right now. Just some short trips around town. At high speeds the vibration from the front when braking feels like it's going to back out some bolts. At low speeds it makes the front dive, it's that bad. I have no idea how the PO could ride it. So I'm barely touching the front brakes, mostly using the rear when I do take it out.
I'll check out the EBR hardware in the future when I can justify throwing more money at this pile. Nothing more expensive than a cheap Buell apparently