Front motor mount and bolts

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Roofer Pat

Sep 24, 2012
So, 2009 xb12scg. LOVE IT!
However, I have a problem to diagnose.... I bought this bike w 6,500 miles on it. After having ridden it for several hundred miles, I noticed a noise that scared me. I thought the valves were shitting the bed. Anyway, turns out it was the front motor mount. BOTH bolts that attach to the motor were broken off flush w the surface. I think the previous owner must have fancied himself a bit of a wheelie fanatic...
After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I went ahead and patiently (read successfully) removed the broken bolts. I then reinstalled the motor mount in the correct manner as described in the manual. This includes the proper torque values and order of assembly. Success, one might think.
Bike is running smoothly and no sign of problems w the mount. EXCEPT.... On take off, I feel a shudder or contact type vibration. Just briefly as I move through a certain rpm and only on take off. I suspect motor to frame contact to something of that nature but I haven't a clue. Also, I don't really know how to diagnose.
One final thing, my front motor mount is billet as opposed to the cast ones I have seen and cast mount is on my 05 Firebolt. Is this piece aftermarket or is it a change in the later bikes?
All feedback is welcomed.
you got a pic of your front motor mount? so you extracted the broken bolts and re-installed the same mount?

Don't know how it saved sideways but I'm sure you can figure it out....
It's not a stock unit, homemade maybe. i don't know if anyone even makes an aftermarket one.
Well the rubber piece in there is what takes up the vibration from the motor. as the rubber starts to wear out the gap between the mounting bolt and the isolator gets smaller. i'm not really sure how that one is made. if the rubber piece is stock and inserted into the homemade (aftermarket) unit or what . It does look well made i'm just not sure if it will function like a stock unit would. here is a pic of a bad (worn out) vs. a good isolator. If the vibration is really bad it would be a good idea to replace it, they are about $80.00 though. has them as well as buellster parts.

Isolator seems to be in good condition and not out of place.... I can't believe someone would take the trouble to fabricate this part. Bike has 7k miles on it. Has me concerned about what else may have happened to it.
I would replace it. if you look at the pic close enough it apeares that the bolt is off center from from to back. If it was made and was a bit off it changes the placement of the motor in the frame silghtly and possably causeing your prob. If the previous owner had issues with the mount due to wheelies and went throught the trouble to have a beefier one made, Then managed to stress the bolts enough to sheer them off in the head.............I would look over that bike with a fine tooth comb. Prob not a bad idea to check the neck bearings also.....
Did you look at mount when you had it off? is it a one off piece (homemade) or was there a part # on it? i looked around the "net" and found nothing. Like freak said, might be a good idea to replace it, your bike is only an '09, the stock one shouldn't have gone bad that fast.
I like the beefy look of it, if you have one on your bolt you should take them both off and check angles and tolerances. That way you can see if there are any differences between the 2. It appears to me to be a 2 piece design welded together? If their jig was not perfect there could be a slight variance in the angle of the isolator tube. I have heard of people tearing off that mount doing wheelies before, so it is not a shocker. Also, try swapping the two mounts between bikes and see if the noise follows the mounts, just an idea.
I have ordered a new mount. I don't recall a part number on the installed piece but not positive about that.
Yes, it seems a mystery that this part should need to be replaced on a bike with 6-7 k miles. I'll be putting it up on the stand this winter and going over it end to end...
While you are looking check the rear isolator where the 4 screws mount this onto the engine. There have been a couple of these crack after the bike had a shunt.
When you take that front isolator off, make some pics of it & post 'em up[up]