OK, well I took a few weeks off from messing with the X1. And we had a bit of a break in the weather so I got a new AGM battery and installed it hoping to road test everything. And to my surprise, it doesn't start. It spins over super-fast and it will cough once but that's it. I rechecked the pump(ok) rechecked the filter(ok too) still replaced it with a see-thru one. I pulled the plugs hoping they'd be fouled. Nope! dry as a bone. I rechecked fuel pressure, 50psi(good) looked at the plugs while it cranked (huge sparks) good also. I looked at all fuses and tested both relays under the seat(both good). What am I missing? I had it hooked up to a car battery temporarily and it would start up fine. I only did this for testing/tuning purposes seeing how it wasn't road ready yet. However, i did have a problem before I put the actual bike battery on it. It wouldn't start with the big battery a week ago either. I figured I had messed with the fast idle screw too much. I had it in the garage and it was 40ish in there so it fired up around 13-1,400rpm then I'd idle it down to around 900 -1,000 once it warmed up. So does the TPS affect the injectors at all? I do not know what else it could be. Like I said, all the basic stuff checks out. But the fuel is not getting to the cylinders.