N No_import4me Well-known member Joined Dec 4, 2009 Messages 47 Dec 8, 2009 #1 just bought a 2004 xb12r with no owners manual and just wanted to know what is the trip odometer with the F for?
just bought a 2004 xb12r with no owners manual and just wanted to know what is the trip odometer with the F for?
K kokomochandler Well-known member Joined Aug 26, 2009 Messages 139 Dec 8, 2009 #2 its for the reserve fuel. it comes on as soon as the fuel light comes on and tells you how many miles its been. real handy.
its for the reserve fuel. it comes on as soon as the fuel light comes on and tells you how many miles its been. real handy.
A afinley Well-known member Joined Oct 20, 2009 Messages 437 Dec 9, 2009 #3 and you can get your owners manual at buell.com. go to the owners section and register your VIN
B boreas Well-known member Joined Mar 11, 2009 Messages 743 Dec 9, 2009 #4 NO IMPORT4ME-love that user name
S Stevenc150 Well-known member Joined Aug 12, 2008 Messages 5,144 Dec 9, 2009 #5 Yeah, it starts counting up to tell you how many miles you've went since the low fuel lamp and sensor was activated - to be safe I wouldn't chance it much further than 20 miles though it will go a little further.
Yeah, it starts counting up to tell you how many miles you've went since the low fuel lamp and sensor was activated - to be safe I wouldn't chance it much further than 20 miles though it will go a little further.
0 07Bolt Well-known member Joined Aug 18, 2009 Messages 1,341 Dec 9, 2009 #6 the record around here is about 40 miles after the light came on. like they said, be safe, start looking for gas after 20 miles...[up]
the record around here is about 40 miles after the light came on. like they said, be safe, start looking for gas after 20 miles...[up]
B boreas Well-known member Joined Mar 11, 2009 Messages 743 Dec 10, 2009 #7 Light = gas ,do what the last posts said [up] I hate pushing motorcycles [sad]