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Just an FYI: If i remember right the GPR kit came with the torque specs for your bar clamp. And it had very detailed install instructions so theres should be no worries on install.

Dumb question... Aside from milage, how do you know you're ready for service?

I beleive they just start to lose dampening resistance, like the oil leaks past the seals a bit. I would assume they could also leak out the seal on the bottom over time, but I've had mine for almost 3 years, no leaks and works great. Of course i dont ride as much as alot of you, but when i do its rough roads and lots of low speed turns and parking so im sure the damper is getting a workout and if anyone has ridden a ULY @ 130 its working up there too :p
I beleive they just start to lose dampening resistance, like the oil leaks past the seals a bit.  I would assume they could also leak out the seal on the bottom over time, but I've had mine for almost 3 years, no leaks and works great.  Of course i dont ride as much as alot of you, but when i do its rough roads and lots of low speed turns and parking so im sure the damper is getting a workout and if anyone has ridden a ULY @ 130 its working up there too

That makes sense. Thanks! Be careful up near 130! :p
they just start to lose dampening resistance, like the oil leaks past the seals a bit. I would assume they could also leak out the seal on the bottom over time
Talked to Loren from GPR today on the phone, mine is on its way back to me... for free with a new top and dial so the logos will be correct!!! Thanks again Dro and thanks to Loren @ GPR, first time ive talked to him on the phone, super nice guy and was intrigued by the GPR being used on a ULY so as soon as I get er back on, some new pics and maybe I can demonstrate how easy they are to install and use!

Oh and another + point to the GPR at least IMO, it just makes more sense for the damper to be directly over the steering head bearings instead of tied to one fork like others, I would think would be a better way to apply this force to the motorcycle, at least more evenly and direct, just a thought to anyone thinking about one ;)
Great to hear that Loren took care of you like that! [up] Please share some pics when you get it back.
Sandro, love you like a brother.... but damn you! Keep finding ways for me to spend my money! Lol.

I've always been interested in one, but always thought they couldn't be used for the Lighting, now it look like I'll have to add this to my list!
Ha! I do my best! :p Hit me up when you're ready to fulfill your 5-0dro wish list. :D
Alrighty, I got my GPR back from San Diego early this week and finally found time to put er back on!! Thanks Again to 5-0 and Loren Black for the help!! So here it is properly oriented logo and all!!!




Oh and heres a pic of the bar clamp without the stabilizer on it, thought everyone might like to see that, this is the same set up as the lightnings use, very easy to install the clamp. I just marked my bar position with a grease pencil, pulled the original clamp off put the new one on with some blue Loctite on the bolts and torque to factory specs. As you can also see in the pics the stem that holds the arm for the unit just replaces the factory air box cover bolt. All in all a pretty simple install.
That's great! Glad to help & glad they could help you be happy with a great product! [up]
Just a reminder that we sell these GPR dampers in case any of you are in the market. Hit us up if we can help. [up]