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Buellxb Forum

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Well-known member
May 31, 2011
I know this is kind of off-topic, but does Harley Davidson have a solid forum like this one? Or what is the primary forum for Harley Riders? My guess is a lot of Buell owners also have or have had a Harley and maybe been active in these forums?

Just wondering if the HD community is a alive as the Buell community is...
How do Harley engineers tell if a bike is worthy of the Harley name?
They check to make sure the exhaust noise in decibels exceeds the horsepower rating.
Can't really picture the majority of HOG riders on a forum ! What are they going to talk about , who has the most tats, who has the best bandanna , whos ol' lady has the sagginest tits , whos spent the most on chrome ??
i've been around harleys my entire life. i have owned bikes ever since i was old enough. sold my last harley a few months back because i just cant stand what harley has become and i do not want to be associated with it/them anymore. if it werent for buell, i wouldnt be riding anymore.
i have been doing alot of thinking ever since harley killed off buell, as to why they would do that when they had offers on the table to sell it. all i can come up with is this....
they had to. buell was becoming the real american motorcycle, and buell riders were/are truely more bikers than the harley crowd. buell was making harley look bad. and, they wanted to take buell technology and put it into their sportsters. yes, they had rights to it and could have done it without killing buell, but people would have figured it out. they have already come out with one sportster headed that direction. most people that ride dont know beans about much of anything motorcycle, that cant be said of the average buell owner.
95% of harley riders dress in leather, ride to the bar, play the role, then they ride home...you can tell they dont ride much because their leather is spotless. 90% of them can not change their own oil. 99% of them will pass a person who is on the side of the road with a broken down bike. 95% of them are stick their noses in the air, and wouldnt even acknowlege a rider if they are on something other than a harley, and even then there is a good chance they will snub them if they dont think the other persons bike is cool enough. and that is really funny, because when i had my other bikes, those people would line up to kiss my ass when they saw my ride....how ******* stupid.
so now i ride a buell. in doing so, i dont have to deal with these shitheals much anymore. the ones that are what i mentioned above, stay away from me. occasionally a person will approach me and admire the buell, and i answer politely any questions they have. those types of people are generally good folks who i enjoy talking to. the rest are a joke and i am elated they stay away from me. and what is more, i really enjoy riding again.
so i guess if you are looking for a good harley forum, good luck. i know you might find some good folks out there eventually, but from a guy that has been around bikers for almost 40 years now, i think you will have to weed through alot of shitbirds and posers before you find any quality folk.
Yeah, i guess i cant see Harley even coming close to touching the greatness that is in this Buell thread. I am 21, and I have a 1996 Sportster 1200. I was hoping to get a Firebolt this summer, but my stupid car just crapped the bed and now all my extra money i was saving is being pumped into either getting a replacement car or fixing it. I live in Minnesota, so i cant just buy a bike and not have car.

I am super bummed, i really want to be apart of the Buell family. I guess i will have to start saving again and use the Firebolt as my motivation.
you dont need to have a buell to be part of the group here. and if there is a ride put together, if you have a bike, any bike, i would expect you to show up to join us.
i joined buellxb.com after getting my firebolt years ago, and hung around after i sold it. the only thing that matters is that you are interested in buells. patience is a good thing. things always fall into place.
Hell if I remeber correctly the owner of this board doesnt even have a Buell or any bike anymore!!! were all family and lover's of the Buell!!!!
There will be a Buell waiting for you, so dont give up!!!!!!!!!! It took me 2 and a half years to get mine and each year they got better and better, so it worked out really good for me, and then BAM!! they shut down and i finally was able to buy a very newly used 09 XB12R of my dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!true story. :) I still have the same one.
You guys are awesome. I am pretty bummed out about my stupid car and the way things worked out...but i still love Buell, and it gives me something to look forward to and some motivation to continue working hard.

Honestly, this board makes me want a Buell even more than i already did. I dont know how anyone could deny the sweet community Buell has here. It really does feel like a family. I will be hanging around, learning, saving, riding, and hopefully sooner rather than later the money and the deal will come around and I will be able to pull the trigger.

Thanks guys!
Hey Myronman3, that was awesome & liked what you had to say. I have come across some great friendly HD riders at the local dealer, but you get the few Douchbags with the nose's up cause its not a HD.LOL
yeah, you can't lump them all into one category, but it does seem that many times HD riders are D bags. You just have to find the good ones! haha
I agree it's all bout the right ones! I am Sgt at Arm's for a local non 1% club here (Mostly Military, retired Military, Contractor's and Dependants) But even when I sold my Street Glide they still dont care what I am riding as long as I ride and live the life!!! You will get a Buell soon burzac and it will be glorious!! Until then rock that sporty maybe slap some Buell decal's on it for a show of support!!! [up] :D [up]
I think its funny that when i ride my lightning 90% of the HDs i pass don't give me the wave but they all wave to my buddy who is riding a Honda shadow.
My goodness he's right on some levels and some are Prxxks but my Uncle has had a Harley Shop for nearly 47 years.He's also a Honda Gold wing owner as well.I have seen what he's talking about cause right after Bike week this year a guy called and was broke down so I towed him and his preppy wife into the shop.He looks around and Says I didn't know you worked on those pieces of shiX and I said Yeah. Thats my Race Bike and My Street Bike and you are welcome to take your Broke down piece of junk somewhere else if you like.His Wife Stepped in along with my uncle and I'm 6'3-188lbs former Marine. Barbra said he has a mouth and I told her they could take it to Gastonia and I would tow it there and the Dealer could fix it.I finally agreeded to fix it as long as he shut up.Damn She was Hot.!Then again I have worked on many a HD bike and most liked the Buells.Especially the kids and ladies. We usually work on even the Pricx, but theres always a catus in the middle of the flowers.Ride Safe*Jimi[smirk];)
This string is completely correct about HD riders. I live in California and i have an 03 XB9 Firebolt. I give the wave to all motorcycles. I have noticed that not one HD rider has waved back but every other rider has. Here in California the HD riders are especially prixx. Even more so because my beull sounds better than their HD. LOL.
Boy has this thread wondered off topic. :p

There are TONS of HD forums out there. I frequent www.hdforums.com, go by the same screen name.
I used to hang out over at xlforum.net but quickly got tired of the BS attitudes over there. FAR too many "bikers" and "HD loyalists" over there.

hdforums.com is a resonably well rounded forum. There are plenty of "I ride HD or I ride nothing" d'bags over there but there are enough "motorcycle enthusiasts" (not "bikers" ) that if you put one of the brainwashed neanderthals in their place someone will have your back. I got real tired of feeling like I was the only person who could see past the HD "mystique" over on XL and could actually appreciate other bikes, including **gasp** sportbikes! I may not be the most popular person on hdforums at times but I don't feel like I'm fighting a one man crusade against the unwashed hoards either.
Overall it's a pretty decent forum. [up]
I honestly never notice what brand motorcycle anyone I wave to is riding. Who gives a ****? I also would never associate a lack of a wave back with the brand. The person either didn't see me, was clutching, is a dick, or fill in the blank. It comes down to the individual and the circumstances. Maybe some of those people are riding harleys. I bet they wouldn't wave if they were riding buells either.
so i guess if you are looking for a good harley forum, good luck. i know you might find some good folks out there eventually, but from a guy that has been around bikers for almost 40 years now, i think you will have to weed through alot of shitbirds and posers before you find any quality folk.

LOL. My experience is oddly very similar. However, I wave to all riders unless it's unsafe at the moment to do so, and I've never rode by a bike down on the side of the road. Ever. And my leather shines cause I just washed a load of crud and green stuff off it. Maybe I'm a 10%er.

Oh, and I ride alone as a rule.
Yeah, it bothers me that so many people are "bikers." I love all bikes. Sure, i think some are cooler than others, but i wouldnt even not wave at someone because they aren't on a harley or aren't on a buell. Bikes are bikes, we are all on two wheels and we are all dealing with the same stuff on the road. I wish motorcycle
riders would come together instead of creating division between brands, style, whatever.

I think HD's are sick. Yes, maybe they do have ancient technology, a lot of HD riders have tattoos, wives with saggy tits, and too much leather. But not EVERY HD rider is that way. Just in the same way that not ever sport bike rider is a young Dbag looking to show off. I have a Harley because I think they look awesome, sound great, and they are a brand that is steeped with a rich history.

With that said, I am not and will never be one of those "Harley or die" riders. Not ever. I love bikes, all kinds. When I land a career, seal the deal with my girl, and get a little more settled (and buy my girl a bike or give her my old one to upgrade) there is no doubt that I will house a sexy firebolt. Harley's for cruising with the woman and touring, and Buell for turning heads and rocking the twistys.

Everyone rides for a different reason and has a different story. who cares if they dont wave. who cares if they dont have a Buell or ride a crappy HD. We all share the same passion for being cage-less.

Love what you ride and be a friend and give respect to the other people out there who love what they ride.

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