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Feb 28, 2008
BuellPartsGuy, first I'd like to say thanks in advance. You see to know your stuff and I would appreciate some advice. I have a few questions for you.
1) I recently posted about a flat spot in my power band between 4000 and 4500 rpm. The bike bogs down and then kicks back in at 45. General consensus on here is that I need another TPS reset done. Does this have to be done anytime I do anything to my bike? The only thing that I've changed was my airbox. Would more air affect this?

2) Last night I digging around to see if I could find out about another issue I'm having. This older topic is what I found. Seems Buell Cru has had the same issue but it doesn't say what ever came of it. I've got the oil on the rear cylinder, by my fan, and on my swing arm too. Someone on the thread says, "If I over fill my oil a bit it leaks from somewhere until it's at the full line". Checked mine yesterday and it's right at the full line. Any thoughts? Gaskets perhaps?

3) Since you work at a dealership what would be a sufficient amount to pay for my 10000 mile maintenance? I feel my local HD is only interested in other HD's and they sell Buells because they have to. I called to inquire about the price and they said $570.00. That seems a bit high to me. I've done all my other recomendeds myself, but want to have them do such a milestone. Is this the going rate?
Thanks allot, sorry to overload you with questions. -Lane
1. The first thing I would do is a TPS reset and a ECM Reflash to make sure it has a the most updated software in it. I reccomend TPS resets at every service and every time you change something to ensure that you are running at optimum.

2. The oil is from the breathers on the top of the rocker boxes. When you over fill them, it pushes the excess oil through the breather system and it starts to seep out up there and run back towards the fan. I would recommend a breather re route if you havent done it yet. I would also check out your PCV valves and the grommets they go into to make sure that they are in good working order.

PCV Valve - 17607-00Y - $9.30 x 2

Grommet - 17606-00YA - $2.95 x 2

3. The quote they gave you on a 10K is about average for a HD/Buell dealer. You may be able to find it cheaper somewhere else, but they won't have the computer to reset the ECM and TPS. We charge 6.5 hours @ $85 per hour here for a 10K. There is a lot of things involved in a 10K, and its all time consuming. Check it out in the service manual, it gives you a checklist of things they do and go through on the bike. All in all, I would say, their price is fair.
Ok. Looks like I have a busy weekend ahead of me. Two on headlight mod, breather reroute, and winning the lotto so I can have my bike serviced. Not to mention washing all the oil off... Thanks again BPG, your info is most appreciated. -Lane
Hey BPG,
Sorry I have one more question for you. Ok, so I've bought most of the supplies to do the breather re-route. The next day off work I will get it done.

Also, I have read posts on a oil/fuel type leak getting all over the left swing arm and dripping on garage floors. I figured that this was due to the Fuel Vent hose right behind the left peg. Any reason that people (and myself) are having this hose leak all the time? Am I filling my tank too high and getting some gas in the line during corners or something?

As far as the breather re-route, will this take care of the oil on my engine/ by my fan? The few posts on here are not very definitive when it comes to causes of this issue. Some people say it could be a rocker box gasket?

Thanks again
It could be from over filling or the fuel cell vent valve not working properly.

Fuel Cell Vent Valve - P0115.02A8B - $15.55

The breather wouldn't be releasing that much oil to coat the rear cylinder/ fan. You probably have a leaky rocker box gasket, PCV Valve or PCV Valve Grommet. I would check it all out when you have the air box assmebly off to do the Breather Re-Route.

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