HELP!!! Ignition/Spark issues!?!?!

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Apr 19, 2021
Hey guys, I'm hoping you wonderful buellers can help me out here. 2007 Xb12S I had noticed I had a very very slight surging while riding at constant speed. Idle was also about 900 rpms Adjusted idle while the bike was cold seemed good (1050-1100RPMS) but a few days later on the next ride after reaching operating temp bike was idling right around 2k RPMs. Got home that day and backed the idle back down. Decided to swap spark plugs and see if that helped the surging. Broke a plug wire in the process of removal, replaced it with a crimp to size plug wire while waiting on a set to ship. Bike cranked afterwards no issue. While out riding today the bike was sputtering and misfiring unless I was heavy on the throttle. At WOT it would accelerate with no issues, back off of throttle to maintain the speed limit and back to missing, sputtering, jerking etc. Gonna double check plug wires and coil first off, but researching the issue has also pointed towards a failing CPS (2007 model would be Cam Position sensor right??) Looking for a CPS for a Buell I found the part no.: 32443-04- roughly $150-200. But I found somewhere that a sportster 1200 CPS would work as well part no: 32400-94 about $50-70. Does anyone KNOW for sure if these are the same parts or interchange?? And any other suggestions on things to check before throwing new parts at what may be a "I did it wrong" issue??? Thanks in advance for helping cure my stupidity
Cooter, I havent done a tps reset yet. Waiting ong my ecm cable to come in today so i can get that done. Could that be causing those issues?
Ok thanks. Got my cable now figuring out what software to download and all. Any suggestions?
I'm having trouble getting ecmspy to connect I've got an IDS ecm tuned for the drummer exhaust. Is it locked by chance?? Please help guys Have a trip planned to deals gap next week and if i need more than just a TPS reset I've GOT to get it here lol. Anyone had issues doing a TPS reset with an IDS ecm???
NO... Step away from the cable.

You have already caused yourself issues. Do NOT go any further until you fix what you've caused.

Perform the proper TPS re-set procedure according to the manual I gave you, FIRST.

Cooter, i reset the tps once i got ecmspy to connect. Thats the reason i needed a cable i couldnt find a way to reset tps without it. Still runs rough and misfires when tryinf to maintain speed.
Thats good information to post on your thread to help us diagnose your bike for you. Thanks for posting it, so we know now.

But re-setting the TPS is much more than pushing the button. Did you follow the correct procedure? I keep asking because what you are describing perfectly matches a botched procedure.

Anything else you'd like to add to help us... help you? Your answers can only be as good as the questions you ask.

Whats the AFV? EGO CORR? Re-programming the ECM without FIXING the bike first can only hide issues and cause more problems.
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Hey cooter not trying to reprogram any was just using rhe cable for the tps reset. Yeah followed the procedure to reset the tps. Backed it down till the number stopped decreasing clicked reset tps the turned it back up 5.2. Idles fine now until MIL comes on and it tries to die. Did get an error code in ecmspy saying "tps too low/short to ground"
All the TPS resets in the world won't solve what's going on here. Seven posts and you failed to even mention the numerical value for the fault code. TPS values too high...too low...short to ground is always #11. Simply put, it's one or more values that the ECM is seeing that it doesn't like. EVERY single one of your symptoms is directly related to historical and active fault code # 11. And the cause is one or more of the following. Check all AFTER actually confirming that your TPS is mounted securely and functioning properly via simple spy connection/twist grip activation to confirm.

1-Failed wiring harness connector at the TPS assembly. Known issue on XB's built between 3-2006 and 6-2007 production dates.
2-Cracked ECM either backside of unit or at wiring harness connectors.
3-Failing ECM.
4-ECM pin #2....connector #11 exceeds 1-mega OHM meaning broken connector/broken wire.
5-shorted out purple/yellow TPS feed wire....shorting to ground source.
6-VSS sensor harness chafed from rubbing against metal component and/or broken wire connection. RARE but check yours.
Barret, i didn't mention the fault code earlier because it hadnt had one. connected and twist grip shows tps values changing and dropping back to where they started. Ecm looks good at a glance. Will double check it tonight amd check the rest of that list. Thanks for the info.
Post #1
.... Idle was also about 900 rpms Adjusted idle while the bike was cold seemed good (1050-1100RPMS)....
Re-set the TPS
Post #3
....Cooter, I havent done a tps reset yet. ...
Re-set the TPS
Post TEN!?
Yeah followed the procedure to reset the tps.
Of course we know that, because the exact OPPOSITE of the info you are giving us. Oh, wait....

and of course...
Did get an error code in ecmspy saying "tps too low/short to ground"

Hmmm I wonder if theres a problem somewhere? How would you ever find it? Where would you ever look?

I keep asking because what you are describing perfectly matches a botched procedure.

Your answers can only be as good as the questions you ask.
Yes cooter i f'ed up and adjusted my idle without being able to do a tps reset. The first thing i did once i got rhe ECM cable and ecmspy to connect was follow the procedure in that manual u sent me a link for and perform a PROPER tps resest. At that time it didnt have the tps/short error code. Took it for a test ride, same issue. double checked that plug wires were seated completely on plugs and coil, went for a test ride. Same issue. Plugged in ecmspy and at that point it popped the " tps too low/short to ground " error. Havent done anything since that because i had work at 6am and will be here till 7pm tonight.
Don't go throwing a tps at this either... I made that rooky mistake quite a few years ago. Bike's issues were pretty similar. Mine ended up being a bad ecm. After I wasted my time replacing the tps I took the time to follow the troubleshooting guide in the service manual and found my problem. Find some to do the same and be patient.
This^^^ a TPS code does NOT mean "bad TPS"

more like:
All the TPS resets in the world won't solve what's going on here. Seven posts and you failed to even mention the numerical value for the fault code. TPS values too high...too low...short to ground is always #11. Simply put, it's one or more values that the ECM is seeing that it doesn't like. EVERY single one of your symptoms is directly related to historical and active fault code # 11. And the cause is one or more of the following. Check all AFTER actually confirming that your TPS is mounted securely and functioning properly via simple spy connection/twist grip activation to confirm.

1-Failed wiring harness connector at the TPS assembly. Known issue on XB's built between 3-2006 and 6-2007 production dates.
2-Cracked ECM either backside of unit or at wiring harness connectors.
3-Failing ECM.
4-ECM pin #2....connector #11 exceeds 1-mega OHM meaning broken connector/broken wire.
5-shorted out purple/yellow TPS feed wire....shorting to ground source.
6-VSS sensor harness chafed from rubbing against metal component and/or broken wire connection. RARE but check yours.
So after work i plugged in ecmspy and no codes. Did the correct tps reset now that i was calmer and not stressed from trying to get everything to connect and work. Went out for a ride and smooth sailing. MIL never came on. Checked the body of the ecm and plugs for damage just in case and didnt see anything. Fingers crossed but everything seems to be running correct now.
Thanks cooter. I'm still trying tofigure what i did different on the two resets. I used the same buellmods link u sent to me for both procedures and reviewing mentally i dod thr exact same things..... oh well. THANK YOU GUYS! !!!

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