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Hey guys, I'm hoping you wonderful buellers can help me out here.  2007 Xb12S I had noticed I had a very very slight surging while riding at constant speed.  Idle was also about 900 rpms Adjusted idle while the bike was cold seemed good (1050-1100RPMS) but a few days later on the next ride after reaching operating temp bike was idling right around 2k RPMs.  Got home that day and backed the idle back down.  Decided to swap spark plugs and see if that helped the surging.  Broke a plug wire in the process of removal, replaced it with a crimp to size plug wire while waiting on a set to ship.  Bike cranked afterwards no issue.  While out riding today the bike was sputtering and misfiring unless I was heavy on the throttle.  At WOT it would accelerate with no issues, back off of throttle to maintain the speed limit and back to missing, sputtering, jerking etc.  Gonna double check plug wires and coil first off, but researching the issue has also pointed towards a failing CPS (2007 model would be Cam Position sensor right??) Looking for a CPS for a Buell I found the part no.: 32443-04- roughly $150-200.  But I found somewhere that a sportster 1200 CPS would work as well part no: 32400-94 about $50-70.  Does anyone KNOW for sure if these are the same parts or interchange?? And any other suggestions on things to check before throwing new parts at what may be a "I did it wrong" issue???     Thanks in advance for helping cure my stupidity
