HELP!! My Buell xb12r wont start

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Mar 14, 2007
I laid my Buell xb12r over about 2 weeks ago, I cranked it up about a week ago and it started fine. I waited for the parts to come in and I put them on and now it wont start. I tried to push start it, nothing. I tried to jump start it off my car and it tried to start but wont turn over. I'm thinking maybe the spark plugs? I don't know, but it snowed a couple of days ago and froze and the bike was outside. Now its 70 degrees and I want to ride it, but it wont start! any suggestions?
i replaced the front brake lever, front blinker, back brake pedal, and footpegs. and yes lights come on, horn works.
Did it pop or sputter at all when you spun it over?
Best suggestion is clean/replace plugs and check fire add some new fuel. Not trying to be an azz but some bikes will spin over with the switch in the off position... I've seen worse!!!:D
i know what it is. you lost groung to the ecm and engine block. mine did the same thing. but i spent 425.00 for a piece of sandpaper and a star lockwasher. my lights were bright and horn worked. even tail light and blinkers worked. its your groung remove all pieces you got and clean the places the meet the frame and add a didicated ground to the ecm, frame, engine and battery. this will also smooth out the fueling and give a better throttle response. i know i have tested it.
I hate to ask this, but it sounds like you had to disassemble the throttle side pod. Are you sure that the connections to the On/Off switch are good? If it is Off, everything will work but the starter and the ignition.

(At least on my X, the On/Off rocker switch is on the throttle side. I'm assuming it is on the R as well.)

Although, re-reading the post it seems that it turns over. If it does, then I'm not sure.
I'm having this same issue. However I have replaced both plugs, checked the connection/contacts in the throttle switches. All good, changed all oil and fuel, new battery that turns it over with ease. I also checked all fuses and relays up in the front faring. I'm out of ideas, please help....