help! My oil drain plug hole is stripped!

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Dunkin Junkie

Nov 10, 2011
Looks like the PO got over on me. Whent to do my first oil change and ll the threads came out with the plug. Anyone here have a good fix? Thanks

07 fire bolt xb9r
IIRC most thread up to the next size. Or could do a timesert which I think is the next preferred method.
Success! I did it with the bike on its side stand. Just removed the muffler and did it all by hand. Used a lot of grease on the drill bit and tap. Flushed it out with 2gal. Of cheap oil from the shop. Came out better than new. Real easy. By keeping the bike upright any debris stays around the hole making it easier to clean out. I then reconditioned the muffler with a bead blast and high temp stove paint. Looks like new. I am selling the kit for $80. It has 4 more inserts to use.