Hi from a new Bueller with stuttering issues

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Mar 23, 2012
(my XB12X does, not me :) )

hi all!
Been lurking this forum for the past year, ever since I got my 2007 Uly, and I have to thank you all as it's been an immense source of info, tips and ideas.

It's definitely a keeper to me, I love it to bits so I'd like for it to be at its best at all times.
Lately some small issues/questions have been bugging me.. and I hope you can point me in the right direction :)

So my XB is fitted with a Remus exhaust, PX filter, breather mod, iridium spark plugs.

Runs well however it has some dead spots, almost like it is not being fed enough petrol between 1000/2500rpms in 1st and 2nd gear. This is particularly true when cold, however even hot it sometimes misfires.

Moreover, I am fairly convinced that it's missing some ponies... under heavy acceleration I feel a lack of power between 3500/5000 rpms when it then picks up again.

I read many times that this is somewhat typical Buell behaviour, which could also be due to the fact that I'm using a Remus with no power commander (had a Powerizer that gave me £800 worth of issues on multiple occasions = threw it in the bin)
so I wanted to know if the white-wire mod + ECMspy could help me achieve what I want (smooth ride and extra grunt)
or whether I should be looking at injectors cleanup, power comm + Dyno tuning to get the most out of it.

I have the ECMspy cable, and the only thing holding me back from doing so is:
a) fear of screwing up the ECM
b) lack of EEPROM specific to my setup (definitely dont feel comfortable adjusting values by hand)

anyone with a similar setup here? or similar issues that you managed to solve?
Would love to hear from you, thanks!
ECM spy is your best bet.
If you go messing around, make MULTIPLE copies of your original settings. Then, no matter what, you can always go back to where you were. Adjusting is pretty straightforward. Just make SMALL changes and don't change too many things at once, that way you can tell which change produced what effect. Also, if you go say +10 in on cell of the fuel map, change the surrounding cells by say +6 or something (my numbers are completely arbitrary so don't treat the +10/+6 thing as a rule). You want to kind of "taper in" to a change so there's not abrupt changes in the fuel curve.

Ultimately, you probably need a new map. Some searching may produce someone that has a map for a bike with similar mods that might be a better base point than the stock map. Buells are VERY sensitive to exhaust setup so I'm sure some tuning is in order for yours.

Good luck.
I was thinking like what the hell does he
Mean by stuttering? It's all good welcome to the forum!!
My Uly "stutters" occasionally too. I'll be in a steady cruise and suddenly the bike hesitates for a very short moment as if the fuel has been shut off. I briefly wonder if I cut the throttle with a flick of my wrist without realizing it, but no, I didn't. It's been baffling me for a few years. I have a stock '06. A co-worker says his XB12S does the same thing when it's warming up. It kind of reminds of when a lawn mower blade hits a rock, but with less noise and jolt.

You're not krazy DavidWS...it happens. ;-)
My '07 Uly has started doing the same. Usually at lower RPMs and when rolling the throttle off of idle (mostly when warming up). I am starting to suspect the TPS is getting a bad spot.
i stutter myself

Really? I only know one other person like myself that stutters, and it's my brother. ha.

Awesome to know there are more out there...and on Buells!
Wow I thought this post would get buried but no...
thanks for your feedback and the warm welcome guys!!
Kind of have same deal going on, and seems this type of problem plagues the Buells. Have an 06 Ulysses. EBR race ecm, airbox mod, breather mod, Jardine RT-1, new NGk plugs, and wires. Reset TPS with ecmspy, no codes found. Bike runs rough, hard time idling and poppping and when it has rained it misses terrible. I'm thinking its an intake leak, I have stumbled onto possible IAT sensor from previous posts.
For starters, increase your cold start enrichment by about 10%. I just did it on mine, and all the symptoms you discribed, I had before, but not now :)
Hello and welcome to the forum. Now,Does your bike stutter at Idle only? Does the Engine Start up and Idle well? There are Videos here on the Forum to study.
Daves-[DIY videos all in one thread] is something to get you started so as to get an Idea of what to do. ALSO do Not TorQue the Oil/ and Transmission Drain plugs ,just snug those when changing fluids, Replace the O'ring of course when doing your Maintenance.
LOOK those Videos up and always be [carefull] till you get the hang of using a [powerfull tool] such as Ecm Spy.
You can do A great deal of changes to your ECM AND you can also do a great DEAL of DAMAGE.
Learn the simple areas such as Throttle Position Sensor RESET(TPS).
You can get the Information you need and proper tools easy enough. 1st a decent lap top. Then go to xoptiinside .com and all you need is there. The Drivers to work EcmSpy is there also usually those Drivers are free . You will need a cable to hook up to the Data Port they sell those as well.
Remember ECMSPY=1-Data Cord/The drivers /and Load up the ECMSPY program for the older Buells.2007 back. THE ECM SPY for the newer Buells is very different for 08+ buells.
You won't need to worry about that. American Sportbike .com is also a place to get the Data Port Cord. xoptiinside will have pretty much everything you will need to do what is necessary for tuning Engine and diagnousing problems for your bike. EVEN if all you use it for is problem solving & TPS resetting it is a great tool for your use , Respected properly it will serve you well for as long as needed. Always Save your original Program on your stock ECM. Small Things First! The Small Studder on Many of the Stock Street Buells is there to stay ,you can get it really decent but here and there it will studder. The Pushrod style V Twin would need to be Individually Tuned through the ECM for a better Running Bike. If you are not [sure] about that There is Help here on the Forum at the Tuniversity! This way you are well aware of the capilities of ECMSPY. Just for TPS REset of one Visit to the Dealer is worth the patience of learning not to mention saving some money DONE Correctly.
Take your time use good Amsoil Oils 20/50 works well in both areas of your new to you machine.
Check out the Manuals around top of the page. OR get yourself a Manual for future Use.There is plenty more but this Forum is a good place to get Started. Small Things First!!Good Luck *Jimi[up]:D
All, my 2006 ULY has the same hesitation which is primarily while taking off from a stop or while at a steady cruising speed (50 MPH). I've tried the hotter plugs, TPS reset, breather and reroute. Still it hesitates, annoyingly. I really don't want to fiddle with the mapping unless it is a simple change and a high potential for success.

Hi haven't, unfortunately.
Reading all the replies above, I'm almost certain that it's to do with the fuel enrichment at cold temperatures.
Didn't get around to doing it yet, as I'm not confident to play with the ECM mapping, so I might take it to HD here in London when I next get it serviced... £80 p/h hurts though