High Pitch noise

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May 29, 2012
I just started hearing a high pitch Noise on my 03' xb9 when i accecelrate in 1st 2nd and 3rd but not in 4th or fifth. I dont hear it when i pull the clutch in of when i let off the throttle. curiouis if any one has had this issue and may know what it means and how i can fix it.
i have the same problem on my 03 xb9r. ive decided its the drive belt or wheel bearings. havent had a chance to replace them yet.
My xb9 whines real bad. I think its the belt drive is to tight. Or bearings in the crank case. I'm just approaching 20,000 mi, similar to many with this trouble. I like the guy who said "these bikes make so much noise that I've resigned to live with it".
Primary chain too tight can cause a high pitch whine. I over tightened mine first time i tried and only got super loud 1st-3rd on accel. Ive since learned proper way to adjust my chain. Just a thought
Put your bike in neutral and see how easy it is to push. If your primary chain is to tight it will be harder than with the clutch pulled in.